Monday, November 16, 2020

 “I think that everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”  (Jim Carrey) I just read that to comfortably retire you need a base savings of one million dollars. Carrey is worth $180 million, so he should know what he’s talking about on this subject.  Many years ago I was at a restaurant when a stranger came up and said, “Excuse me, are you Gordie Howe?” It was fun to be seen as a someone famous, until I realized being interrupted at every meal wouldn’t be very enjoyable.  I’m satisfied to be who I am, even if I’m not a millionaire or a hockey star.  Are you satisfied with who you are?

FROM STARRY KNIGHT:  I like this! I like who i am also :)===JACK:  Basically, you're a Merrill girl at heart.  The ride toward stardom was fun, wasn't it?

FROM MARMAR:  I am happy with my life with no desire to be rich or famous.===JACK:  You fit the image of a country girl with country values.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I am. Yes, you are right; you pay a price for fame, along with the millions you earn.  I was once asked to do an autograph for the woman who played the mother in Happy Days, which my jr..high kids used to say I looked like, and I never believed them.! This was in Chicago, and I told her I could sign the name, but I was not her. She had me sign her program anyway!  It was fun for a moment...I have this quote from Jim Carrey in my quote book from years back, and I think it is very true!===JACK:  My granddaughter once dressed up as Jane Goodall for a school project.  A few years laster we actually met  Jane and told her about the experience.  She will always remember Jane's response: "Was it fun being me?"

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  I am happy with who I am.  I may not be famous or rich to the outside world but know I am famous to my family and rewarded richly by having them in my life.  To me that is all that counts.  Financial security is nice but to have gobs of money isn’t necessary.===JACK:  There was something about you that caught the eye of Robert.  Who cares what it was.  Life has turned out well.  Some questions still might remain, but (always) God is good.

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