Jack’s Winning Words 9/23/20
“I’m not who I was yesterday.” (Alice in Wonderland) I’ve read that our body cells are continuing to die and be replaced, so that we are never who we were yesterday (a complete change in 7 years!). There’s a button you can wear: PBPGINFWMY. It stands for: Pease Be Patient God Is Not Finished With Me Yet. Every day is an opportunity to improve the self that we were yesterday. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad to have a chance at improvement. ;-) JackFROM JR IN ANDOVER: Little confused by the last sentence.===JACK: Yes, it is confusing if I neglect to include the word, "glad", before sending.
I've always been a good person. But I sometimes shudder in shame of the
things I've said to people just to get a laugh. Not out of malice, but
malicious, nonetheless. ===JACK: Mea Culpa! I confess to the same sin
FROM NORM'S BLOG: While it is interesting to think that you’ll have completely new
body cells in seven years, it is even more fascinating to explore the
thought that you have a choice of who you will be today; that you do not have
to be who you were yesterday. Who
will you be today? Most of us probably don’t take the time each morning when we
wake up to reflect upon who wed were yesterday and to think about who we want
to be today – but we should. If recalling the events of the past (yesterday and
beyond) show us a person who was not as understanding, tolerant or forgiving
and kind as we would like to be, then we have the ability to change that today
and become the person we want to be. Who
will you be today?
===JACK: There's always the chance that we will choose to be worse today than yesterday. Choice is a two-edged sword. But, I choose to use the "edge" marked, positive.
FROM HONEST JOHN: And, yet, there is continuity....not all cells are changed
in one day.....and there is our identity....our whoweareness......sometimes
called our spiritual self===JACK: Aha! That "spirit" thing always seems to get in the way (but we're the better for it. God is Great! God is good!
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: Enjoy each day!===JACK: Even the "@#$%^&*" ones?
I most certainly am not who I was yesterday. I believe PBPGINFWMY.
I am grateful. I
believe in the power of acquiring knowledge, using it to help myself, my
community, and the world around me as a blessing. My lived experience is
a precious lesson. Each experience and path chosen, an intended lesson. So,
WHY do human beings call those who change their positions on issues in
politics( and beyond) liars when they find a new way of looking at a problem or
decide to support or govern in a different way from how they
promised. Those
who bravely lead should be “allowed” to change their positions, speak honestly
and be proud of their learning. They should be asked why so we can
have a conversation form which we would all learn.. Perhaps
they they have grown from learning, processing known information in a new
way and being patient and honoring of God’s work? ===JACK: I've always liked what Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen (R) said when criticized for changing his vote on a certain issue: "The only people who don't change their mind are in the cemetery or in a mental institution."
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