Monday, September 14, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 9/14/20

“May every sunrise bring you hope.  May every sunset bring you peace.”  (Native American blessing)  Native Americans have much to teach us about “The Great Spirit.”  Perhaps it’s because most of their living was done in the out-of-doors, where they were dependent on “the whims of nature.” They saw God in sunrise and sunset, in weather, in pandemic.  I haven’t heard much God-talk about our current events.  I don’t know about you, but I need some words of hope and peace.  ;-)  Jack.

FROM SK IN SJ:  We all need to keep God first and know he will help us day by day. Courage and a good fight! You just keep going and we’ll pray for continued strength to get through this pandemic. I spend a lot more time sewing and reaching out to Friends and Family. Love your winning words! 😊️===JACK:  The pandemic may be bad, but there is good that has come out of it.  It's that way with life.  Some often comes out of bad...when you look for it.  At least, it works that way for me.===SK:  We have to keep looking for the Silver lining in things. I am. 😜===JACK:  Good can also come when one begins to silver among the "gold" in a head of hair.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  The leaves are starting to drop around here in Minnesota?! 0;-) ===JACK:  It happens every year, doesn't it?  It was a great day when God thought of inventing seasons.

FROM HY YO SILVER:  Beautiful!===JACK:  Depending on how you look at it...2000 has been a beautiful year.  Hy and Esther became a married couple.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  we are at war... not a ground war, and there is not a clear-cut enemy, as w/old-fashioned wars.  at a juncture where we truly need god, the democrats are concentrating on removing god from the pledge of allegiance, and making sure no one goes to church. what priorities! communist regimes also ban religion, as we know... ===JACK:  It seems as tho you've left your Libertarianism and bought into the "fake" pre=election Propaganda.  I believe that "under God' was put into "the Pledge" in the 1950s as a political (not religious) move.  Libertarians and many other people  of faith thought that the insertion was not necessary.  IMO, the removal would not make the USA the came as Communist Russia...and since when does "going to church make one a Christian" and saying "under God" make a nation Godly?   

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  I think think that our president stresses the need and help of God everyday! Don’t you?===JACK:  NO!

FROM GUSTIE:  Me too.  Black lives Matter got as close as a mile away from me.  They invaded the home of a friend of Kajsa, my granddaughter.  That is close to home.  They went out to Hugo-one suburb away and the suburb my grandson Kirk lives in-and they tried to trash the home of the police union pres.  The Black Lives Matter guy that was so very violent is running for Representative to the state of Minnesota House.  They told the people they needed to get out of their house because it should not belong to them.  They should give it to these black folks.  And I should support these rioters and looters??  Sorry, but I can’t do it.  They are Antifa and I will not lift one finger to help them.===JACK:  I think that you speak more harshly than you are.  You are more than ready to help people in need, as I am.  There is a difference between "looters" and "peaceful protesters."  My sister's grandson is a social worker who lives right in the area of the Mpls protest.  He was there to bring calm to his neighborhood.  He saw many "outsiders" there stirring up the crowd and encouraging the looting.  There's a difference between needy people and greedy people. ===G:   He was lucky he was not killed.  These people love killing anyone white. ===JACK:  He was there in the place where he lived.  He knew the agitators.  He was able to identify the white supremacists and the "locals".  He was a calming force.  He did feel danger at times, but thanks be to God for people such as him who care to get involved.  Most of us just sit on the sidelines and watch TV.


FROM DLM:  Amen to "words of hope and peace"===JACK:  I seem to remember the Native American peace greeting...a hand held up showing no weapons.  

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