Thursday, September 24, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 9/24/20

“There are people who have money, and there are people who are rich.”  (Coco Chanel)  A homograph is a word, spelled the same, with more than one meaning. For example: bat, fair, lie, minute.  “Rich” is another, found in Coco’s quote, meaning: A person who has high value.    In my hometown the Butterworths were the rich family.  If I would overspend on something, I was told, “Who do you think you are, Mr. Butterworth? What kind of “rich” people do you know?  :-) Jack     

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:   There are a lot of people we know who are “rich” but don’t have a lot of money.  We do have friends who are wealthy but don’t act like it or show it off.===JACK:  The best people, rich or poor, who are humble.  Jesus praised humility.

FROM FREEDSTER:  Oh that’s right, I do remember you saying that sometimes when I was growing up. “Who do you think you are, the Butterworths?!”  I had forgotten about that.  I like it, and I’m going to borrow that line now when appropriate!  And be prepared to explain the story behind it to my friends when they look puzzled :)===JACK:  You can puzzle alot of your friends with some stories you've heard from me in the past

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Kathy Butterworth was not the least bit arrogant or "ritzy"; She was just a "'normal" kid around us in High School. (She didn't go to public school, so just joined us for social things...!) Yes most of us who are old, have learned that money can't buy happiness; it's relationships which are "rich". Bill was Chaplain to the Senate in IL, and there were  quite a few unhappy wealthy senators, in their personal life, just as there are amid those iess financially blessed...===JACK:  Kathy was one kind of 'rich" person in your group.  Were there "rich" people of the other kind in your group, too?

FROM DR J:  My dad used to say to us “who do you think you are, Mr. Edison”…when we would leave the lights on after leaving a room.===JACK:  We all have our favorite "home" sayings that we remember.  Isn't remembering fun?

FROM AUDIOLOGIST:  People who are rich, have full lives and many friends. I am grateful for your friendship===JACK:  My ears hear you.  Thanks for what you do.

FROM LBP:  And then there is the rich taste of a decadent chocolate dessert. Mmmmm...  ===JACK: Strange, but I've never associated you with "decadent."

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