Friday, September 25, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 9/25/20

“Freedom is not enough.”  (LBJ)  When I think back to what freedom meant during WW II and what absence of freedom meant in dictator-led Nazi Germany, I’m dismayed by those who refuse to wear masks.  We all want freedom, but freedom to not wear a mask is not the kind of freedom fought for on the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima.  One is selfish; the other is self-giving.  If you look at Norman Rockwell’s 4 Freedoms Poster you’ll see a view of what real freedom is about.  ;-) Jack

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Sign outside of a church:  Thou shalt not COVID thy neighbor's life.  Wear thy mask!  ('nuff said)===JACK:  That's one of the most clever uses of "COVID" that I've seen.

FROM OTHOUSE JUDY:  Freedom is not wearing a mask if you can’t.  Grandson Noah has asthma and wearing a mask brought on an attack.  He does not wear one.  My friend Jane has claustrophobia and can not wear a mask.  It’s not necessary to wear a mask if you are outside an nearly 20 feet from a person.  All of us have been reprimanded for these things!===JACK: There are obvious exceptions.  "Normal" people would accept words, "I'm sorry, Noah has asthma."  The point to be made here is directed toward those who loudly proclaim "FREEDOM" as a reason for not wearing a mask.  


FROM TRACIE:  I hope your doing well. As usual, I look forward to your winning words, and missing them on Saturday and Sunday!  Would you mind if I share your thoughts on today's winning words?  I think your spot on.===JACK:  Yes, please feel to share Winning Words.  This world need all of the positive messages that are available.   I feel STRONGLY about trivializing freedom fought for. 

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  I love that poster!===JACK:  And so do a lot of people.

FROM THE SHARK:  Amen, my friend

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Couldn't agree more.  Being selfish and using "freedom" as an excuse is truly saddening.  As our pastor said..."I think we all know what each of our favorite charity is.....ourselves."  
===JACK:  There are some selfless people.  I know some, and I'm sure that you do, too.===RS:  Yes, actually know quite a few. Unfortunately it doesn’t take many to impact a lot of people. ===JACK:  It starts with one.

FROM SF STILL IN WB:  Well said. I have seen Rockwell’s four posters and they are stunning. ===JACK:  Norman Rockwell is not considered by some to be a "true" artist.  I like his stuff better than some works I've 
seen at the DIA.

FROM EL IN TOMMYHAWK:  I try to minimize  commenting on social media, However, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your submissions.  Recently, I had a mild argument with a Bus driver who insisted on not wearing a mask.  The following day, in your comments, you discussed freedom and pointed out .  Freedom does not permit you to do what you want but allows you to do what is right.  I wish I would have had this gem 24 hours earlier.  In any case I look forward to your work.  I try to never miss it.===JACK:  Sometimes it's said that "The past comes back to haunt us."  In your case, the past has come back to revive lots of good memories of times spent with you. Thanks for doing your part in making the world a safer and better place.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  The depravity found in all mankind is always interesting fodder for discussion . . . not wanting someone else telling us what to do . . . God gave us 10 Commandants to follow along with the blessing for following them . . . can't say I have found one person, including myself, who can raise their hand and go to the head of the class indicating they have followed each of them . . . “O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”  

An interesting season we find ourselves in, especially in an election year where politics has found its way to the forefront of COVID-19 . . . a "finger" now is found being pointed every way possible! 0;-)===JACK:  There's always the temptation to say, "There are people worse than I am."  The truth that we are all guilty in the face of God's perfection is not always easy to stomach.

FROM PROUD MARY:  Love the selfish-self giving references. I’m going to use it. I’ve been using the words respect and protect when asking people to please wear a mask. Why some are so afraid of and resistant to doing the right thing just because asked is perplexing. Obviously... I wear the mask! ===JACK:  I wonder if the non-mask wearers would give up their seat if they were on one of the Titanic lifeboats.  Probably NOT!

FROM LBP:  Yeah .... I don’t hear the word freedom used in the Rockwell way much lately. Thanks for reminding me how it can be used for the simple necessities.===JACK:  The "Rockwell" days were a simpler time...but on closer examination, they had their problems, too.

FROM LS IN WB:  Good morning.  I am reacting to the your words “  dismayed “ and “ Freedom” . 

I teach at Roeper.  We all wear masks, students and teachers.  The comments below are not all my views. I wanted to share to perhaps present you with the opportunity to not feel dismayed but perhaps inquisitive and thoughtful of another way of thinking.  I have dear friends who will not wear a mask.  They feel it is detrimental to their health and well being.  They are the same people that will not vaccinate, eat organic, use holistic medicine unless absolutely necessary to use antibiotics et al and are careful who they believe and trust.  They are socially isolated and are careful not to go in crowded places, respectful of their elders and follow the laws.  They believe the virus is dangerous to the health and well being of all but do not trust all sources of news and government reporting and interpretations by media or the internet. They love their children and have moved and left jobs to do what they believe is highest and honoring of their beliefs without imposing them on their neighbor.  They work hard, pay taxes and are good citizens of this country they love.   They honor and respect our service men and women.  They do not see color, religion ..... they see men and women, good and bad.  They believe in god and uphold the Ten Commandments.They are generous with those less fortunate then themselves.  This is what they believe Freedom is. This is what they believe was fought for. I am not dismayed,  I am concerned for some of their decisions.  I  try to read and understand their thinking and decisions for themselves.  I do know they are good people.   I do know they love and want to be the best they are able.  They ask questions,  I ask questions. We have conversations.  We disagree and we respect each other with a deep love and trust to share without judgement.  
This exchange of beliefs and ability to think, love, seek understanding, value and be valued,  speak, move, worship, write, read, protect and ( perhaps I could think of more but I have to get to the children at Roeper for a wonderful day ahead )choose IS freedom,  that is possible because of those who fought in the WW II.  We live in a complicated world.  We live in a simple world.  Break it down, it is all for the good - I believe. .===JACK:  We live in a world with other people.  The world is ours together and safety is an issue for all, not just me.  There are laws designed to protect all of us.  If we choose to live apart from the norm, we must live with the consequences.  If living without vaccination is our desire, the safety of the "greater good' can override that.  That's the way the world works.....

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  the greatest political hoax ever perpetrated... scamdemic.===JACK:  I guess that you are in the minority with your view.  It doesn't mean that you are wrong, but that you are an outlier. ===JACK:  i am the “no longer silent” majority... and time is proving us right. i look forward to the day when you admit i am correct.  pro tip: if you can only determine whether people are sick by swabbing them, they aren’t very sick.===JACK:  I'm not out to prove anyone wrong or right.  I'm simply here to have e-mail conversation of current topics and to do it in a positive.  Sometimes I'm succeessful, and sometimes I'm not.  I don't have all of the answers, but I do enjoy hearing (seeing) what people think.

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