Friday, May 01, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 5/1/20
 “With God it isn’t who you were that matters, it’s who you are becoming.”  (Liz Curtis Higgs)  This church library book caught my attention…Wicked Women in the Bible.  It begins with the story of Eve.  There’s one about Delilah…and Potiphar’s wife.  Each chapter has a story of redemption.  Do you remember the song, “You can be better than you are?”  There’s hope for each of us.  It’s not the mistakes of the past; it’s the person that God is helping us to become.   ;-)  Jack

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Chuck Colson comes to mind.===JACK:  At the time I doubted his sincerity ... but time moves on.  In retrospect, he seems to have had a life change.  Most of my "younger" readers will wonder, "Who was Chuck Colson?"===RS:  I know - Gloria reminds me all the time that most of the people I think would remember something from 40-50 years ago don't. I'm beginning to understand when I get some blank stares.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Everyday is a new beginning for us.  God has such great forgiveness as each day we need forgiveness.  But we work on trying to be Christ-like in our own feeble ways.  New beginnings!===JACK:  It's hard to accept forgiveness, especially when you think you don't deserve it.  Grace is a tough nut to crack.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Every day we have the opportunity to start the journey to becoming someone that we would like to be, rather than continue down the path that we’ve been on.  Most don’t stop to think about that each morning, nor do many actually pause to make a plan to start in that new direction. For most, It is just easier to let momentum continue to carry us in the direction that we’ve been going. We accept the status quo as, “I am”; instead of reaching for, “I could be”. ....As you pause in prayer each morning, ask yourself what you will do today to become that person that you want to be and then ask for God’s help in accomplishing those things. It’s not an instant thing, but if you make it a consistent thing in your life you make some small amount of progress towards your goal each day.===JACK:  In school I remember that someone was chosen at the end of each day to erase the blackboards so that they would be clean for the next day.

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  My circle chose to use this book for our Bible study this year.  We made it through Eve and then got ‘closed down’.  Hope it wasn’t something we said. HA!===JACK:  So, I'm not the only one intrigued by "Wicked Women of the Bible!"  I wonder if there's a sequel, "Wicked Men of the Bible?"  That would probably have to take several volumes.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  So again we are reminded, the best is yet to become! 0;-)===JACK:  Most are looking forward to the end of the pandemic...How great that will be!  Pastors have the privilege of talking about a life after this life.  How great that will be!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Reminds me of the button and pins, etc. with the inscription "Please be patient; God's not finished with me yet!" that was popular years ago. And I was reminded of the epitaph on Ruth Graham's grave, situated at the foot of a huge cross of flowers in a garden in Billy Graham's Library complex: "End of Construction: Thank you for your patience!"  We are all a work in progress until the day we die!!===JACK:  I once preached a sermon, titled: PBPGINFWMY!  It was well received...using the story of your button.  I wonder what mom and pop Graham would think of son, Franklin, and his antics?===JACK:  Love that  title! I bet your congregation was intrigued to
find out what you meant by that! Clever! :-)===JACK:  My intern pastor taught me the importance of having meaningful sermon titles.  Of course, content was important, too.  

FROM GUSTIE:  Bing Crosby sings it—Would you like to swing on a star—carry moonbeams home in a jar—and be better off than you are—or would you like to be a pig?  Is that the one you mean?  Larks were singing it this season—the season that wasn’t!===JACK:  I like that song.  Can males join the Larks, or do you practice discrimination?

FROM THE DETROIT RIVER: Amen and thanks for your Winning Words. Peace===JACK:  Thanks for caring for the environment.

FROM DAZ IN COLORADO:  Your phrase...there’s hope for each of us... is particularly worth keeping in our minds, especially now.===JACK:  In my mind I've seen hopeless situations - and then there's a surprising turn-a-round.  A person changes.  The unexpected happens.  My hope battery is recharged

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