Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 5/6/20
 “If heartaches was commercials, we’d all be on TV.”  (John Prine)  Often we don’t appreciate people until they’re gone.  Singer Prine died recently, but his music and lyrics live on.  In fact, I’ve bookmarked several of his quotes (like this one).  There’s a certain empathy with John.  He knows we’ve had our heartaches, because he’s had them also.  And I like it, too, that he feels the same way I do about those incessant medicine-ads during the news.  Stay well!  ;-)  Jack

FROM DS IN SOCAL:  Especially true for me today.   I had to put my beloved dog down yesterday and I'm very distraught over it.===JACK:  I've had to do it twice.  No fun.  Do you remember the song, Old Shep?  You can Google it.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Absolutely,  Prine was one of the best:
 If dreams were thunder  And lightning was desire

This old house would've burned down  A long time ago

 (from Angel from Montgomery)

 John Prine was a world class Singer Songwriter.  And I don't mean somebody that write songs about sewing machines.===JACK:  Sometimes popularity soars because of one's death.  There will be no more; we'll have to rely on memory!

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  am i the only person who has no idea who this guy was?===JACK:  See my previous post from Good Debt Jon.  Thanks to YouTube your music education can continue.  My son introduced me to Prine.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Those incessant medicine-ads during the news bother me as well, and also the incessant news on the television about staying home, opening the economy, people now actually fighting over the masks and why or why not to social distance, and the possibility that before this is over we could have thousands daily dying or something and no meat and so forth and so forth and especially that a person has to hear and understand the news so as to be able to take the best precautions and not die, but on the other hand, a person just abhors all of the news too.  Other news like some war overseas, a person could choose to "turn off" and go "about normal life" but not this corona virus news.  Anyway, glad and thankful you all are still alive--please keep being careful and self-isolating and using the technology to keep in touch.===JACK:  It's always good to "read" your thoughts.  BTW, isn't it about time to start that Community Garden?  What a good way to use part of the church property!  You and J are saints in the best use of the term.===SHARON:  We've been volunteering for the past month on the community garden, composted, set up all the drip irrigation and planted quite a few seeds.  Just our regular crew of dedicated volunteers so we are able to keep social distancing and are wearing masks.  Not really doing any outreach to attract new volunteers since we actually don't want to risk getting too many folks there in the field anyway.  The two programs which have to do with helping provide food to food-insecure folks, we vowed to keep running.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  My kids are mourning his death; I knew of him and his songs, but didn't really follow him like they did! But his truth rings true today. We've all had our share of heartaches!! ===JACK:  I think that we have to "live" experiences in order to truly express them.

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