Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  5/5/20
“I’ve been down in the dumps…This really brightens my day.”  (Liz Koto)  Liz and her husband were walking around the block to break the “cabin fever.”  On a whim they decided to “walk funny,” as in the Monty Python skit…the Ministry of Silly Walks.  The Kotos offered to take pictures of neighbors walking funny, too..  Everyone got a good laugh.  If these stressful times are putting you down in the dumps, try a funny walk.  Right now…do it!   ;-)  Jack  

FROM BB IN CHGO:   Loved that Monty Python skit.  Glad to hear your neighbors have a keen sense of humor and that you are doing well.===JACK:  We saw a man doing the silly walk.  Stopped the car, rolled down the car window and congratulated him on his silly walk ...only to discover that he wasn't doing it.  OOPS  What he was doing was lifting knees and thrusting his legs outward as part of an exercise.  It looked funny to me.  He did know of the Monty Python skit, so it worked out OK.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  We have all seen the ads on TV that recommend that you call someone rather than visit them. Calling them also helps brighten up their day, especially those who have been enduring this pandemic lock-down alone. What can you do to brighten someone’s day?
Many people have been putting signs in their windows or yards thanking the frontline workers in their area. Some even hold clapping sessions on their front porches or lawns to thank those who continue to serve us through this crisis. Doing something like that helps both the people who serve and the celebrators alike. What can you do to brighten someone’s day?===JACK:  We used to sing a song in Sunday School...Brighten the corner where you are.  (It was a peppy one, too!)

FROM SK IN SJ:  You’re right Jack! I was right on top of today’s message! I just might do a silly walk today!===JACK:  Since no one will be looking, do a really funny one, but don't throw your back out of whack!

FROM ST PAUL:  i sometimes do a funny walk when i am heading for the john:):):)===JACK:  HA HA.  In our house we used to call it, "The Green Apple Cake Walk."

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I have a picture in my Facebook account of a man walking really funny, in a block in which a person had put a sign on her lawn, very nicely lettered, saying: "This is a Silly Walk Block, Please comply! It sure made me smile, even laugh. I thought "what a fun thing to do. I suppose the neighbors were watching.===JACK:  How about putting a sign on your back...Watch a silly golf swing?  Oops!  That wasn't nice.  Forgive me!

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