Monday, May 11, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 5/11/20
“I’m telling you, things are getting out of hand.  Or maybe I’m discovering that things were never in my hand.”  (Gordon Atkinson)  I recall the “olden days” before child-safety car seats …when my son would sit on my lap and “drive the car.”  He thought that he was driving, but dad was the one in control.  Thankfully, God is really the daddy “driving” this world of ours…and I trust that His foot is near the brake.  Will we ever be mature enough to drive for real?   ;-) Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  For many, if not most, the situation that we find ourselves in right now is a humbling experience that demonstrates to us how little we really control in life. For a few, this leads to frustration and anger. You see them yelling and demonstrating on the news shows, all without masks, or you see them congregating in groups, again without taking any precautions.  We are tempted to ask, “who’s in charge here”, but we already know the answer – God is in charge. The only things that we have any control over is how we react to what is happening. It is that realization that allows us to revisit our faith and put our trust back in God. That is not to say that we can then act stupidly and go out without taking precautions, just that we revisit the faith that allows us to say , “Not my will, but Thy will be done.”===JACK:  That's one of my favorite petitions from the Lord's Prayer: "Thy will be done...ON  EARTH!"  Let's keep on praying that!

FROM ST PAUL:  good one, Jack,  thanks.===JACK:  Maybe God is "allowing you to "drive today.  

FROM WILLMAR REV:  “I’m thinking of the five year old the news media recently printed that took dads car out on the freeway until pulled over by the law enforcement . . . Sometimes, no matter how cute and cunning the situation may be, it is time for Dad to be called upon and the “child” to be properly disciplined for the right reasons . . . Those cars move in and out pretty fast out there on the freeways! 0;-)===JACK:  We do some "cute" things in the name of religion that ought to be left in the garage.  For example...trashing other religious beliefs, because they don't agree with ours.===REV: So true . . . been on both sides of that . . . being a Pentecostal has proven to be a good target from some of my fundamentalists' Baptist friends . . . the homosexuality and abortion issues are areas we often have to wrestle today; however, the opponents themselves are found in an attack mode quite often with ones who would not support such a lifestyle. I believe I'm asked to officiate a number of funerals today because I don't necessarily place everyone in heaven or hell, as I place them before our most gracious Father in Heaven with our knees bowed. 0;-)===JACK:  
 Being "community chaplains" as we are helps us realize that not everyone is meant to be a Pentecostal or a Lutheran, that God see each one as "His creation."

FROM CONFIRMAND NG:  Hi Pastor Freed!  I love this post today!  It's so relevant.  I hope you are doing okay with everything!  I'm going to repost this on my Facebook page, and quote you, if that's okay?  Take care!===JACK:  Facebook is a pretty large pulpit with a loud sound system.  Go ahead!

FROM TAMPA SHIRL: God is definitely in control! Enjoy each day!===JACK:  Have you ever heard the song, Life's Railway To Heaven?  It's on Youtube.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  What a great metaphor.  Thank you thank you for haring.  Those of us a bit older will probably all have fond memories of “driving” with our parents.===JACK:  No "driver's rd" for me.  I taught myself to drive.  I think that we'd do a better job of "driving" this world, if we'd take "driver's ed" from God.

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