Friday, May 08, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 5/8/20
“The best use of imagination is creativity.  The worst use of imagination is anxiety.”  (DeepakChopra)  I like the Beatles’ song, Imagine.  Imagination helps me to create Winning Words.  Imagination “invented” the computer…and the wheel.  To be able to imagine is a wonderful gift…except when it causes anxiety.  Jesus reminds us: “Be not anxious, for you have a God who cares for you and will never leave you.”  Let that be a focus for us today!  ;-)  Jack 

FROM SF IN FL:  I love this. Seems that I can juggle both simultaneously!! Anxiety leads to outlets of creativity. My 9-year-old granddaughter and I are writing a book together using FaceTime... “Quinn the Quarantined Quail”. It’s been fun to collaborate with her. Building quarantine memories!!===JACK:  It would be interesting to see what other Q words could be fit into the story.  I guess I'm just being quizzical.===S: Very Good!===JACK: Kwanzaa could fit, too!

FROM AP IN WB:  Thank you for these words today. I needed these reminders, being the worrier in the family.  My imagination takes me to many 'what if' possibilities that create great anxiety for me.  I will reread today's WW several times today.===JACK:  While you're at it, pull out the Bible and read  Philippians 4:6-7.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  It is hard not to be anxious these days. Every unmasked stranger that we pass by, we imagine is a COVID-19 carrier who is exposing us to the virus. Every surface that we touch might have last been touched by an infected person, so we wash our hands or use sanitizer. Every night the reports on the news shows reinforce our worst anxieties. What are we to do?  For one, we can turn our imaginations to being creative about staying safe. We have already seen people being creative about making their own facemasks and many have had to become creative about other things like gloves or making their own hand sanitizer. While we are staying home, we must use our creative side to avoid becoming bored, especially if we have younger children who must be kept busy ot occupied.  We can turn our imaginations towards finding ways to communicate with those whom we cannot visit right now. One doesn’t have to use technology to sit down and write a letter or pick up the phone and make a call to someone that we can’t visit with. Some have used their imaginations to create innovative posts to social media.===JACK:  Facemasks could be made showing positive messages on them...or with the image of a loved one on them.  "Who's that?" could start a conversation.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  I can only imagine what it will be like
When I walk, by your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When you face is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
===JACK:  Is Heaven...imagination?
FROM REV:  My answer would be "more so today", just as what our Savior was imagined to be and do when He came to earth the first time! The reality of heaven remains in our hearts and minds until we see Christ and this place he has gone to prepare for us.  0;-)===JACK:  Imagination is not a bad word.  "Eye has not seen, nor ear hear, neither has entered the mind of man, the things God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor 2:9), so we can only imagine.

FROM ST PAUL:  when Rabbi Harold Kushner wrote his book,  his original title was WHY bad things happened to good people.   when he finished his book, he realized he had not answered  the question so he changed the title.   he says that the real question to ask is HOW.....  as in how am i going to live thru this crises and come out on the other side with some degree of normalcy restored in my life. ===JACK:  The book's title is: When Bad Things Happen To Good People.

FROM JR IN ANDOVER:  Reading Steve Goodman‘s biography.  Found out Steve and John we’re good friends.  Been listening to a lot of John Prine since he passed.===JACK:  Now, I have to look up more about Steve Goodman...and listen to some John Prine.  The Prine lyrics are really great.

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