Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 9/24/19
“Let us be thankful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only.”  (Samuel Butler)  Oooh! That’s scary…a mirror that shows our thoughts and feelings.  Usually I try to mask them in front of others.  The song goes, “Laughing on the outside and crying on the inside.”  God made us in such a way that we don’t have to let everyone know everything.  Maybe that’s what close friends are for.  A friend is someone who knows all about you and still likes you.  ;-)  Jack

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  I have been blessed with many good friends through all these years!
===JACK:  Sometimes good friends can be mirrors.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Can you imagine how we all might look if the mirror
reflected what is in our minds and hearts? Would that be an ugly image, filled
with fears, anxieties, distrust, hate, bigotry and other things that we try not
to let the world see? Perhaps, it would be the image of a loving, caring, intelligent
and inquisitive person who is too timid to act upon or show those feelings. In
all likelihood, it might look a bit like the cartoon characterizations of
people with a devil on one shoulder and an angel; on the other. There seems to
be a little of both in most people, with most able to keep the devil at bay, in
public at least. That is sometimes called “being politically correct”.===JACK:  Maybe we should keep a carnival mirror around the house so that we can maintain our sense of humor.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  AMEN to that! If you have a handful of really close and trusted "confidants" during a lifetime, you are blessed!  Mirror, mirror on the wall, keep our secrets, one and all!  I'm an extrovert on the outside, but a private person on the inside!===JACK:  I never knew that there were two Mars...just as there are two Jacks.

FROM SUM:  This is you! Strength, peace and joy!===JACK:  We each have our mirrors, don't we?  That's causes me to think...Does my mirror show the real me?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It’s the old devil on one shoulder and angel on the other.  That’s what would sho up on my mirror!  Perhaps they would be battling!===JACK:  With the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other, the battle takes place in the head.  That's where many battles between right and wrong take place.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Thanks for the great thoughts for reflection again today.
Wow!===JACK:  Is the mirror a friend or enemy for the Playboy Bunny?

FROM LBP:  Sometimes a good friend can be the non-physical mirror, especially when your self perception gets skewed===JACK:  When people publicly or privately say nice things about us, it lifts our spirits...at least it does for me?  Does it help you?

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Samuel Butler (4 December 1835 – 18 June 1902) oddly many of my favorite writers spanned the 19th and 20th Century (Marden 1851 to 1925-70 books). Very much love this WW.  A mirror that showed our heart, fears, prejudices, motives, and even our love; perhaps would be too revealing. It has been said, “If you squeeze an orange you will get orange juice.” What do we get when we are squeezed?  The theory can only be whatever is inside comes out.  I love my complicated design, often I can tamp down my initial (too rash response) and gain a little perspective before speaking or wisely not comment at all.  Have a great day sir.===JACK:  You have been a great mirror for me.  Thanks for your encouragement and constructive comments.  I'm especially thankful for the unexpected book.  It gave personal validation for my daily blog. ===JON:    Excellent illustration, sir!  BTW, The joy (of the unexpected book) was mine. Turns out a bit of givin' is good for my old soul. Kindest regards

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