Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 9/17/19
The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively but says nothing.”. (Henry Haskins)  I hope you enjoy good conversation.  I do.  I’m also aware of signs that it’s time move on…twiddling thumbs, a yawn, the wandering eye.  But, if there’s give and take, a body leaning in, eye contact, questions asked…those are positives.  Watch for cues today.  BTW, another sign of boredom…when someone asks for directions to the rest room.   ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN MI:    Cell phones have interrupted so many good conversations. They have changed our social culture and not for the better.===JACK:  I hadn't thought of that....but you are SO right!
...and the grade school kids who are so addicted will soon be adults.  Oh, my!

FROM MY LAWYER:  All attributes of a good trial lawyer!!!===JACK:  Do they teach you in l;aw school to "watch the jurors?"

FROM INDY GENIE:  You made me laugh out loud with “directions to the bathroom”.....I’ll watch for signs today:)===JACK:  One Sunday, when I was preaching, I got the idea that it was time to  end, when I saw a woman give her husband a hard poke in the ribs.

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