Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 6/30/21

“Life makes pretzels of us all.”  (Sarah Bird)  From what I’ve read, pretzel is of German origin and means “tied into knots” or “all twisted up.”  Life has a way of doing that to us, often at the most unexpected times.  An Italian monk once gave a pretzel to each confirmation student, saying that the pretzel shape was to be a reminder of hands/arms folded in prayer and that when life seems to be all twisted up…take your problems to God in prayer.  Have you noticed that when life turns us into pretzels, the Lord has a miraculous way of helping to untie the knots?  ;-)  Jack.

FROM EAGLE EYE LOU:  I believe the quote is:  Love makes intellectual pretzels of us all.”===JACK:  Thanks for the feedback.  Now, I want to check out the context of the quote and the reason for the modifier.  Sydney J. Harris wrote a book, "Things I Learned While Looking Up Other Things."  (or, something like that)

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  There are certainly times in life when life's situations  turn us into pretzels, tho I had never compared this with pretzels before! An apt metaphor!  I'm so thankful we CAN turn to God in prayer when these things come upon us!  If nothing else, it gives comfort to voice our concerns, and share them with a Higher Power!!===JACK:  First "love" experiences turn "teens" into pretzels.  I don't remember ever taking it to the Lord in prayer.  You probably had more experience with that than I did.

FROM KERNAL MOM:  =Love this!!! Now I’ll always think of this when I’m stuffing my face with pretzels, 😅!===JACK:  To keep a straight face, be sure to eat pretzel rods.  Joan and I will be leaving for Minnesota on July 11.  Back in October.  By then you’ll probably be wearing a false face.  How will I recognize you?

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  Thanks for sharing this!  I LOVE pretzels and never thought of this as an example of prayer and loving arms around us.  Shared it with our youth director who does all our children’s sermons as she’s always looking for ideas. ===JACK:  One of my favorite "Children's Sermon" was on Christ, the King Sunday when I got some of those Burger King paper crowns.  I crossed out Burger King and replaced it with Christ the King.  We talked about Christ King, as leader, as one we are to follow.  At the end I asked them, "Now, what does this crown remind you of?"  They all shouted in unison, Burger King!"===QC:  Too funny!  Kids tell it as it is…

FROM XMASTREE LARRY:  Very true Jack.  Just wanted to say hello and hope you are staying well.  I moved out of the Township last November.   Kind of miss West Bloomfield with all my relationships but do call many of the old friends.  Trying to stay busy but I certainly can tell that I don't have the stamina I had when I was younger.===JACK:  Stamina?  I'm thinking that the time clock is running backward.  Days on the Planning Commission were some of the best. ===LARRY:  Yes, the Planning Commission years were the best.  I believe we were instrumental in shaping the Township back then.  Glad to hear your relationship is working out.  Having companionship in our later years is so important.  Minnesota is a beautiful place and going there in the warmer weather is the best.  It gets too cold in the winter.  My son and his family lived there for over 10 years and visited him a couple times a year.  Please send me the link to the review.  Would love to see it.  Your winning words are always so interesting and many times point on.  I share them with my family and friends at time.  G-d bless and stay well.===JACK:  The place where I hang out in Minnesota is farm their main concern is sun and rain at the proper times in the right amounts.  One farmer said, "I don't have to go to Las Vegas, I gamble evry year when I plant my crops.:  Thousands and thousands of dollars buried in the soil. ===LARRY:  He is so right.  This applies to many things.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 6/29/21

“Where words fail, music speaks.”  (Hans Christian Andersen)   10 years ago, Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords suffered a severe brain injury after being shot by a protestor.  Her speech was affected, much like with a stroke patient.  But science and music are providing some recovery by rewiring her brain.  She can now play America on the French horn and sing Amazing Grace.  Gabby is amazing!   So is science…and so is music.  ;-)  Jack

FROM THE SHARK:  Gabby is amazing but Republicans are an embarrassment for claiming that the 2nd amendment protect their right to own semiautomatic guns!!!!===JACK:  How do we protect ourselves from the "crazies" who are out there carrying guns.  Mental illness is a real problem that society is refusing to deal with.  So many problems....So few ideas as to how they might be solved.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Yes....I have found music can (at least for me), stir up emotions....especially when combined with video.   A good case in point is John Williams "Hymn to the Fallen"  (here's the link to it  - ) video.  So much more powerful than just the video itself.  I have read that the right music can have a great calming effect....especially when combined with meditation.  I have always been in awe of how composers can get all the different instruments to play certain notes that when combined turn into a song.===JACK:  One of my favorite CDs is "Music For The Mind.  I think that I'll play it right now.  You should be able access it also.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Gabby is so admired, and bless her husband for his support and tender care. I think he has been instrumental in her recovery!!  She has a lot of grit and determination, too!  Music is such a force; Many elderly can sing the words to hymns, long after they; can't speak or ;understand when spoken to!! I've experienced this in my calls in the nursing homes. They can always sing with me!! or tap their finger as they listen...===JACK:  Music is a great healer.  I thought that it was meaningful that the song she chose to sing was, Amazing Grace.

FROM PROUD MARY:  We know what Don McClean sang and believed… ”Music soothes the mortal soul”===JACK:  Is there a song that soothes your soul?  A slow version of Amazing Grace does it for me....although I like different kinds of music at different life times/experiences.  I think that we may have sung, 'Children of the Heavenly Father" at Sarah's deaht.  Beautiful tune and meaningful words..===MARY:  That is a beautiful song. I also love “Away in a Manger”.  “Puff the Magic Dragon” is a fav of mine.===JACK:  So many beautiful little time..."Puff" is one of my favorites.  We sat in the front row and heard Peter, Paul and Mary sing it at a concert.



Monday, June 28, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 6/28/21

“It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.”  (Thoreau)  It’s called an ambiguous image when you look a picture and see two different pictures. A famous one shows an old woman turning into a young woman, depending on how you see it.  In reality, we see people in the same way.  “Beauty” is in the eye of the beholder.  Even society depends on what we look for.  Yes, there is bad in this world.  I choose ambiguity and look for the good.  What kind of world are you living in…and what are the people like?  ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Peek-a-boo, I see you.  Just like beauty, "Truth is in the eye of the beholder."===HJ:  If you are right, then The saying “I AM the way, the TRUTH and the life” is mere fiction.===JACK:  While we're at it, do you think that Jesus meant that ONLY Christians are going to make it to Heaven?===HJ:  I think that God can save anyone or no one or some….His business….not mine.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  I used to say that (Rep.) John Lewis was one of the ugliest men physically (he was beaten by law enforcement more than once, given a concussion, etc.) but he was one of the most beautiful men "really".  It takes a while to "see" a person inside and everyone deserves that we give it a try to understand them as a person.===JACK:  "Ugly" John Lewis?  Take a look at 1959 Twilight Zone episode, "Eye of the Beholder."  You can get it on YouTube.  I know that's not what you're focusing on, but it's an episode that fit many situations.

FROM HOMELESS:  I am definitely a glass half full person. I always try to see things with their silver lining showing. There's good in everyone, right? I do constantly try to be better about not pre-judging based off of first impressions though. I know that about myself, and I work toward being a better person under that umbrella.===JACK:  I'd like to say that I'm like that, too.  But, "first impressions...a 6th sense...experiences...have taught me when to be wary.  I just wanted you to know that "I'm not perfect."  There's some of Sam Scratch that has rubbed off on me.===H:  I see that, by simply requoting Thoreau, you are a Wise Bird! 

Friday, June 25, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 6/25/21

“There are two great days in life – the day you were born and the day you discover, why.”  (William Barclay)  On the day I was born, the musical, Good News, debuted on Broadway…and was very successful.  Was that an omen?  I’m part of the Silent Generation, patriotic and ambitious and tending not to makes waves.  As I look back…I see myself as fitting the mold.  There’s a saying that God has a purpose for each of us.  Have you discovered yours?  I hope that you’re doing well with it.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM SMILIN' SHARON:  Hi Jack! I’ve always been happy about my Nursing career. Since retirement , I guess my mission is more volunteering and helping others. I pray everyday for God to help me find my mission. I keep busy helping where I can! I agree with you about finding a rainbow in your life.===JACK:  Finding you8r niche in life is like trying on a new pair of shoes.  You just know when it feels right.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i would say that you have more than filled your purpose in life!   well done thou good and faithful servant.  have a good weekend, Jack===JACK:  All I can say is that I tried.  You win some; you lose some.  The game goes on.===SP: you may not be batting 500 but you could be close!===JACK:  I'm not keeping score...just having fun playing the game.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Enjoyed your WW again this morning.  It's kind of a pithy explanation of your generation--silent, patriotic, ambitious and tending not to make waves but maybe its apropro.  I'm busy discovering my purpose and my latest batch of reading is: The Other Story of Lutherans at Worship:  Reclaiming Our Heritage of Diversity by David S. Luecke Grace Alone:  Lutheran in the 21st Century by Rev. Katherine Rohloff - an unofficial resource for the ELCA Liturgy and Sacraments in a COVID World - Renewal Not Restoration by Kevin W. Irwin (Catholic) A Simplified Guide to Worshpping as Lutheran by James Allan Waddell The Church in Act:  Lutheran Liturgical Theology in Ecumenical Conversation by Maxwell E. Johnson (obtained from Augsburg Fortress - Media 517 or something) The Struggle to Reclaim the Liturgy in the Lutheran Church:  Adiophora in Historical, Theological and Practical Perspective by James Allan Waddell ===JACK:  I sense that "worship" has undergone a change during the pandemic.  I wonder if the Genie will ever be able to be put back into the bottle.  History shows that there are many ways to worship God...but that God is immutable.  So, be prepareed for more changes.  Change is not always bad.

FROM THE SHARK:  I will google why was Aug 23, 1961 a great day?===JACK:  I'll do it for you...

  • August 23, 1961 was a Wednesday
  • Zodiac Sign for this date is: Virgo (the same as mine)
  • This date was 21,856 days ago
  • August 23rd 2021 is on a Monday
  • Someone born on this date is 59 years old
  • You've slept for 7,285 days or 20 years!
  • Your next birthday is 59 days away
  • You've been alive for 524,544 hours
  • You were born on a Wednesday
  • Your next birthday is on a Monday
  • You are a Generation X-er

  • FROM SHALOM JAN:  I, too, am part of the Silent generation, though I have acted more in accord with the early Boomers, especially in landing in a non-traditional occupation for women.  I am thankful that the opportunity was there, because I am sure it is my calling and I have been blessed in doing my purpose. ===JACK:  I have not known you to be silent....especially on issues that you care about.
  • Thursday, June 24, 2021

     Jack’s Winning Words 6/24/21

    “Once you are a parent, you’re the ghost of your child’s future.”  (From movie: Interstellar)  “There are little eyes upon you, and they’re watching night and day” are the opening words of a poem that describes parenting responsibilities.  Recently, in Kentucky, coaches and parents got into a fist-fight at a T-Ball game…police were called.  And, people wonder about the WHY of increasing violence in “society.”  Children see…Children do!  Eyes see.  Ears hear.  Brain remembers.  Have you ever looked into the mirror and seen a ghost?  ;-)  Jack

    FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I have a photo of Bill standing at a fence, watching a ball game at Augie when John was about 2. He had his left hand above his head, grasping the fence and his right leg crossed behind him, and there is Johnny with the identical pose as Dad, peering through the fence at his side!  He was mimicking dad "to a T"!  Bill said, "I should frame that and keep it where I can always see it, to remind me I NOW have a "Mimi Me"!!   ( Of course, he was a loving and very responsible dad to our four "Mini-Me's"! )===JACK:  YouTube Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle."  It's bound to bring tears to your eyes as you compare it to the picture of Bill and John.

    Wednesday, June 23, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words 6/23/21

    “You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.”  (J.K.Rowling)  I had almost forgotten it among my books,  John Maxwell’s “How Successful People Think,”   I bought it 20 years ago, because I was (and still am) into possibility thinking.  Successful people aren’t discouraged by problems; they’re energized by them.  It’s almost like a game.  Is there something bugging you?  J.K. says that there’s an answer.  Some find it.  Some don’t.  It’s there…or, is it?  ;-)  Jack

    FROM NORM'S BLOG:  It is interesting that, in many people, the fear of even trying is quickly replaced once they started by a fear of failure, which actually serves to motivate them. For others the challenge becomes to complete what they have started. They become stubborn about not quitting until they have succeeded. For them a quote by Olympic Swimmer Matt Biondi applies - Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.  Our own imaginations often do us a disservice in the front-end of things by conjuring up all sorts of improbable negative outcomes or imaginary obstacles to our success. Positive thinkers put their imaginations to work for them, overcoming obstacles before they even come up – seeing the path to success ahead of it. Really good athletes use that “visualization” technique to see the success that they desire and “practice” that path in their minds.===JACK:  Persistence!  Do you remember when your children were they would ask and ask for something?  ...and then ask again, saying, "Pretty please."  Sometimes our prayers to God are like that.  Don't be afraid to ask God for things....always ending, "Thy will be done on Earth!"  Positive thinking goes just so far.  Then, it's "Thy will, not mine, be done."

    Tuesday, June 22, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words 6/22/21

    “I have blessings falling into my life like pork chop bones hitting the ground at a Baptist picnic.”  (Jon Hansen)  I don’t think that it would work…to change the old hymn, “There Shall Be Showers Of Blessings: to “There Shall Be Showers Of Falling Pork Chop Bones.”  But the idea is the same.  Everyday God showers us with gifts of love.  Today was a beautiful day.  I have food and drink, a loving family.  A friend stopped by to say, “Hi!”  Pork chop bones!;-)  Jack 

    FROM BLZING OAKS:  HA! Our Baptists usually had fried chicken!===JACK:  I thought I'd get "showers of responses" to this post, but yours is the first and only one so far.  Maybe the Baptists are busy deciding who their next President will be...or whether they should turn to the right or to the left.  Anyway....I like the quote.

    Monday, June 21, 2021

     Jack’s Winning Words 6/21/21

    “I am not woke.  I am just human.” (Abhijit Naskar)  I may not be as young as I once was, but I pride myself on being “woke” about things going on in the world around me.  I’m glad that being aware of things - specifically societal needs and perceived unfairness - now has its own word.  There’s been backlash as some try to make being “woke” a negative, but sleeping people get that way when they’re disturbed.  My calling as a pastor has been to help build a congregation of woke people who are aware and care.  God is the ultimate woke guy!  ;-)  Jack

    FROM JU IN NC:  Good advice!  I find as I age it is beneficial to be ready to learn what I do not yet know.===JACK:  One of the problems in today's world...too many people have minds like a slab of concrete...all mixed up and permanently set.  A necessity for learning is to have a mind that is open to considering new ways of looking at things.

    FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  What is “woke,” exactly? espousing the party line bc it makes you feel like one of the cool kids… when in actuality you’re bullying society, beating “dissenters” into submission?===JACK:  Of course I know what it is to be awakened.  I see part of my role in society as being a communicator.  In that sense, I try to understand why certain people think and speak in a certain way.  That doesn't necessarily agree with what's being said, but I better understand the context.  Many of the Christian hymns encourage people to "be awake." ===LIZ:  i did not mean “you” personally… was referring to the woke, in general. ...As a writer, i seek to do the same… and i thank you for the opportunity to use your forum to discuss and be real.===JACK:  To learn means to understand and to accept or reject certain ideas.  I do not necessarily accept all that I read or hear.  I try to be be discriminating.  (OOPS< there's a word that needs to be understood). ===LIZ:  is there a master list of words we can no longer use… as dictated by the woke. OOPS. i said “master.”  i ♥️ our real chats!===JACK:  The Urban Dictionary is not a book.  If there is a book, it's called, Google.  I learn today in different ways that I learned yesterday.

    FROM GUSTIE:    Jack, I will never be “woke” enough to be a “birthing person” or to say Amen and Awomen at the end of a prayer.  I fact, I don’t think I am “woke” at all.  I despise all the terms they use.  If this is what the world is really becoming, it is time for me to leave. ===JACK:   With your background in hymnology, I'm sure you're aware of the many Christian hymns (particularly in Advent) speak of being "awake."  When you were a young parent, it was helpful for you to under5stand "words" that your children were using...and the context in which they were being used.  It didn't hean that you necessarily agreed with them (sometimes you did...and sometimes you learned from them), but5 at least you understood better.  My brain allows me, not only to teach, but also to understand and to learn.  Enjoy your beautiful Minnesota day!===G:   So I should just give up on “church” and do my own thing?  I think I have outlived my usefulness.  Not much I do or believe is relevant anymore.===JACK:  No!  Don't give up.  The Church is ever changing, and we have to see that God's Word is the same yesterday, today and always.  The early Christian Church had its problems, too.  That's what Paul's letters to the Corinthians was all about.  Music has always been important to worship, but styles change.  I don't like "all' of the new hymns, but some are pretty Borning Cry and On Eagles Wings.  But some of the oldies remain good.  I had a good friend who always said, "Keep the main thing the main thing."  "Be not dismayed whate-er betide."  Do you remember that one?

    FROM INDY GENIE:  Jack’s Winning Words helps me to be woke. Just out of college, my daughter Emily interviewed for a teaching  job in Santa Fe. She called me and told me that while driving to the school, breathing the New Mexican air and looking at the “big sky” of Santa Fe, she never felt so awake in her life!  (Twenty years later, she still lives there with her beautiful family.)===JACK: Your mom was one of the first "older" person that I knew who was "woke."  We used to say that a person was "with it" when they were woke.

    FROM SHALOM JAN:  Love this, Jack.  I agree and am much the same! ===JACK:  I like the Advent hymn, Wake, awake for night is flying.=-=JAN:  Love it!  When I was a teen the ass't. pastor preached one after Hallowe'en:  It's time to remove your false faith. I've remembered the title for about 65 years, but I've had to make up my own sermon to go with it.  :-)===JACK:  All Hallow's Eve is one of my favorite times for preaching.  So many of us wear "false" faces.  Yes, there comes a time for us to remove the masks.

    FROM BB IN CHGO:  injustice, especially one they did not personally provoke or participate in – but – as we now know – generations of people shrugging off the past rather than addressing it in a meaningful way has fomented a serious problem.  One of the most interesting things for me about visiting Berlin are the dozens of monuments and art installations remembering the holocaust.  They do not celebrate or mark German leaders who participated or fought for what they at the time believed was right; instead, they only commemorate the victims and suffering endured.  They have competitions like a juried art exhibit where the applicants sculpture ideas and such are submitted “blind” so no one on the committee making the decision knows whether they are a German citizen or from elsewhere.  I had a tour with a very interesting man who has recently made it his goal to put information on all bus shelters regarding anything of note that took place on that block or street corner.  So many buildings have been razed and replaced since the war but he’s submitted photos of what existed prior to the holocaust with explanations about the history that took place on the spot.  I thought it was really interesting. Just imagine if our country would do something like this on Confederate battle sites or along the Underground Railroad or where lynchings and beatings took place.  Rather than attempt to erase or “eplain away” what took place, simply mark it with a name.  Berlin has brass bricks (stumbling stones) bearing the names of victims; small but powerful.===JACK:  Too many of today's Americans are still chanting..."School's out, school's out...No more books"  Statues can be used as teaching items...history...even art.  Frustrating!

    FROM JUST PLAIN JO:  Jack—-I read your WW and your blog many times and realized I am “woke” only if a person agrees with me. Oh, I have work to do!===JACK:  Part of writing Winning Words is nto make a point without alienating friends...for I have friends, both liberal and consrvative.

    FROM TAXMAN:  Every virtue carried to extreme is a vice.===JACK:  I'd have to clarify that by saying, "Almost every virtue."  However, every vice carried to the extreme is not a virtue, but remains a vice.

    FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  And you do a very good job to the same end.  I also hope I understand how some sleeping people try to make woke a negative.  I have spent my professional life in a capitalist world, which is very much what Intellectual Property, especially patent rights are all about. I have also always believed that equal education for all is the best solution to all societal inequities; because I believed that educated people, sooner or hopefully, not too much later, will come to essentially the same solutions to societal inequities.  I also believe in the redistribution of wealth to a degree because when the disparities are too great, as they are today, societal problems increase. Because of my Midwest background and upbringing, I also believed that hard work should be, and is almost always rewarded monetarily and/or in self respect.  I say “to a degree” because I believe capitalism rewards hard work and that socialism does not necessarily do the dame because I believe it causes people to rely too much on others/the state to support them and lessen the inventive to work.  So let’s have a zoom sometime to discuss how we bridge this gap.  Currently beyond my abilities and understanding to resolve.===JACK:  I don't like using "socialiam" in a negative way.  Societal and economic socialism are not necessarily the same.     Education would be fine is "all" received the same kind of education...similar teachers, learning materials and home encouragement.  "Fairness" will only happen when we each appear before God "finally!"

    FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i am still not clear as to just what this word means.   can  you give me one very helpful synonym? ===JACK:  WOKE: understanding things...Now, I see!...I'm "up" on the latest use of words...In today's world, it's lingo from the "black" community mean aware of racism and inequities because of money and color.===SP:  got it.  thanks!    (may not be using it in a sermon any time soon:):):)  

    FROM GUSTIE:  Our congresspeople must never have gone to Sunday School if they thing that saying Amen means we are honoring men.  Awomen has nothing to do with anything.  Even I know that Amen means “Yea, yea, it shall be so”.  I’m sorry, but I can’t condone that.  It is funny when a 3 yr. old says it, but not our congressmen who are certainly old enough to know better.  



    Friday, June 18, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words 6/18/21

    “One day, or Day One?  You decide!”  (Paulo Coelho)  There’s a poem, “Tomorrow”  which tells the sad story that tomorrow never comes.  Brazilian author, Coelho, says that we should not give up on TOMORROW.  Discover what your dream is…follow it…and don’t give up.  Paulo  has become popular worldwide, with his works translated into 81 languages and distributed in 170 countries.  A lot of people are looking to do something with their lives.  Is this Day One for you?  ;-)  Jack

    FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Most of us spend way too much time beating ourselves up for mistakes that we make. We second guess and agonize about what might have been. We find it hard to let go of the past and accept its influence on the present and our future.===JACK:  There's a suncatcher that I've seen which reads: LET GO AND LET GOD.  Good advice for all of us.

    FROM WILLMAR REV:  Remember the ol’ adage…”Today! That’s why they call it a, ‘Present’”? 0;-)===JACK:  My present to you should arrive in the mail one of these days.

    FROM THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  Close to LL Bean HQ in Freeport, ME, Jamison Tavern (where the Assembly of Massachusetts Colony met to vote to split Maine from MA) has a very old sign in the bar. It says:  

    FREE BEER TOMORROW!===JACK:  It's sort of like the saying.."There's no free lunch."  


    Thursday, June 17, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words 6/17/21

    “Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself to become what he potentially is.”  (Erich Fromm)  I once saw a cartoon of a man giving birth.  It wasn’t pretty.  Sometimes giving birth to our life-potential isn’t easy, either.  In his poem, To a Louse, Robert Burns asks God for the gift to see ourselves as others see us   Personally, I’m glad that others saw a potential in me that I didn’t see.  It changed the direction of my life.  There’ve been times when I’ve wondered what it would have been like to be a fire-fighter.  Did you have a growing-up idea of what you might become?  ;-)  Jack

    FROM WILLMAR REV:  Still working on it and dreaming of its success?! 0;-)  ===JACK:  At each we dream of the future and what it might be.  God knows what's arouind the corner for YOU.....and me, too.

    FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'm reading CAFE AT THE END OF THE EARTH, which has been a rave best seller. dealing with "The meaning of life"   Questions: What am I here for? Do you fear Death? ,etc. Very good and intelligent read dealing with giving birth to your "best" self!!  Love this quotation; new to me!Debbie Reynolds once said, "If Husbands and wives took tu;rns  giving birth, there would never be more than 3 children in a family, two, if hubby went first!  (Her husband divorced her for Liz Taylor, as ;you remember, when she had a baby & toddler to care for.)===JACK:   Don (did) twins ever think that mother cares for one more than the other.  We have twins (now in their 30s) in our church.  I can't tell them apart.  Their mom told me that even their father has been unable to distinguish one from the other...but Mom knows!


    Wednesday, June 16, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words 6/16/21

     “A rat who gnaws at a cat’s tail invites destruction.”  (Chinese Proverb)  I like the imagery of this proverb!  If there’s anything that tells you not to do something stupid, this is it.  Bob Dylan’s song asks, “When will they ever learn?”  Confucius lived over 25 centuries ago.  2500 years—and many have not learned to act wisely.  When will we ever learn that it’s a bad thing to bite a rat’s tail?  ;-)  Jack

    FROM HONEST JOHN:  And, yet, isn’t that exactly what Jesus did as he harassed the local leaders and seemingly scared the Roman leadership? ===JACK:  ...and he was crucified for that.  A willingness to suffer and die comes with biting the rat's tail.  In the case of Je3sus, it was for a cause.===HJ:  In many cases, it s for a cause===JACK:  No one ever gnawed at the rat's tail just like Jesus did.…

    FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  If not now-never!===JACK:  Can you remember ever having a student who simply could not learn?

    FROM BLAZING OAKS:  HA! A little late, but wanted you to know, i enjoyed this quote,  and your words to go with it! Thanks! XO===JACK:  Jesus talked in such a way that people could visualize the point that he was making.  Good teachers and preachers can do the same.

    FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.===JACK:  To me, it's amazing how many legislators and vocal supporters of "the right" are sp uninformed about history...and don't care.  I suppose there are people like that on the left sisde, too.



    Tuesday, June 15, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words 6/15/21

    “Why do we have to wait for special moments to say nice things or tell people we care about them?”  (Randy Milholland)  Randy’s life seemed to be going nowhere until a friend said, “Randy, do something positive with your life.”  Randy’s now a famous WebComic…and, ironically, his first success was a “dark humor comic” called, Something Positive.  People can come into our lives and make a difference.  You can make a difference today by letting someone know that you care about them.  ;-)  Jack 

    FROM THE PD CHAPLAIN:  Hey need to check out Casting Crowns new song "Scars in Heaven" which you can find on YouTube as a music video. It's a powerful message of comfort to those who have lost loved ones during Covid or at anytime really. Watching it prompted us to call several folks just to check in and do what you suggested in today's message.===JACK:  I'm curious to know where the name, Casting Crowns comes from.  Google is a helpful crutch.

    FROM EDUCATPR PAUL:  Very important words and actions today. I have come to the realization that perhaps the things we say and do in impromptu unplanned but honestly have far more impact.  A teacher’s intuition that a student is having a rough day smiles and gives a word of encouragement to that student may have more effect in that kid’s future than any sticker or reward that student will ever receive. People of influence have very little concept of their impact… fair or not fair is not relevant.  Parents know… the kids are always watching and they take everything in! There is no “ We must hide it from the kids.”  Awesome responsibilities!===JACK:  I can tell that you entered the right be a teacher and a guide for teachers.

    FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  We don’t need to wait.  There is real pleasure in making positive comments.===JACK:  Did you do that today?  It's not too late.  You're on PDT.

    FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I've lost two long-time friends this week,  which brings that thought home! I'm officiating at one's funeral who was in my S.S. class for many years (97 yrs old), which is a first for me, but my son JOhn is going to assist me; he has done several funerals for friends....! Yes, don''t wait until someone is gone to sing their praises! A sincere compliment is long- remembered!!===JACK:  I KNOW that you will do just fine, because it's from the heart.  Just be yourself.  Some of the best funeral messages were spoken when I officiated at the funeral of a friend.  Remember, too, that God stands beside you.


    Monday, June 14, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words 6/14/21

    “Simplify, slow down, be kind…and don’t forget to have art in your life – music, paintings, theater, dance and sunsets.”  (Eric Carle)  One of my favorite songs is:  “Enjoy yourself while you’re still in the pink.’  Time has a way of going by quicker than a wink Psychology Today had an article about the value of simplifying…cutting back on the schedule and the accumulation of things.  It’s a balancing act.  Is simplification on your agenda?  It’s later than you think.  ;-)  Jack

    FROM WILLMAR REV:  I texted the pastor that hired me some thirty years ago that it might be time to seriously think about retiring when one has to tell the new staff pastor it was his grandfather that hired him at the AG and that we are roughly the same age!   Other than the Senior pastor, I find myself twice as old as the other nine staff pastors!!! 0;-/===JACK:  I'll bet the ministry you do is equal to (or better than) the "young bucks."  With age comes wisdom.  I know of no other pastor who does ministry as you do.

    FROM RICKY:  AMEN===JACK:  It's amazing, isn't it? time flies. 

    FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:   M does water color painting at least once a week with two friends.  she is really quite good at it.  may send you a sample. ===JACK:  I'm amazed at what beauty can be created with a brush, some paints and an imaginative mind.  Last week I rad that Van Gogh especially liked the way that colors reacted to darkness.  Starry Night is my favorite of his works.

    FROM BB IN CHGO:  I’d love to read the PT article. Are you a subscriber? ===JACK:  I'm not a subscriber to Psychology Today, but it's a good magazine, and I often Google it for ideas.

    FROM AA IN FL:  Agree.  Between Florida and Michigan have 90 pieces of art, paintings, sculptures, antiques, and 100's of CD's and Vinals (65 years of music)   One of my favorites is Roberta Flack Album featuring "The first time I saw his face.===JACK:  That Flack song is one of my favorites, too.  Throughthe magic of the internet, I'm going to listen to it, now.  My favorite piece of art is Van Gogh's Starry Night.  I have it as a jigsaw puzzle.

    Friday, June 11, 2021


    Jack’s Winning Words  6/11/21

    “Be thankful for closed doors, detours and roadblocks.  They protect you from paths and places not meant for you.”  (Sent by Kathy M)  I have a friend who loves to come upon road detours.  They give him a chance to explore things out of the ordinary.  Most of us want to get from A to B in the fastest way possible with eyes focused on the road, not the scenery.  The next time you come upon a closed door, detour, or a roadblock, look for the good in it.  ;-)  Jack  

    FROM WILLMAR REV:  ...especially the old bridge! 0;-) ===JACK:  When we come to a roadblock because of flooding, God is our "bridge over troubled waters>'  That might be a good song for you to sing at a funeral service. ===REV:  That song would have been a good choice and would be one for his friends today, but the young twenty-one year old who overdosed on drugs while living over in South Dakota is leaving his family very heartbroken as we open our church doors to them this afternoon. They have asked me to officiate.===JACK:  Who knows how you can impact (even the life of one person) people by your actions and your words and your songs?  God knows! ===REV:   He surely does . . . honored to be a "Christ Ambassador". 0;-)


    FROM DR J:  I love detours too. Especially now that I’m retired. And with my electric car I often choose to take the slower back roads than the big highways. Better energy efficiency and much better views :-)And I love to stop and I love to stop at the back roads diner or bar and Grill to taste the local foods and beverages and taking a bit of the local culture.===JACK:  There's a saying that I like...SLOW DOWN!  YOUR FEETS MOVING TOO FAST.

    FROM SALON SUSIE:    I’m always up to the scenic view or detour, if I have the time…JACK:  We all have the same amount of time.  It's up to each of we spend it.

    FROM NORM'S BLOG:  When you think about it, we pray thanking God for preventing something from happening maybe as often as we pray to Him asking for help to make something happen. In those prayers of thankfulness, we are often thanking him for putting some roadblock in our way to prevent us from a making some horrible mistake.===JACK:  One of the first lessons that I can remember learning: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again>'  Two ancillary words...gumption - sisu

    Thursday, June 10, 2021

     Jack’s Winning Words 6/10/21

    “Don’t let people discourage you.  Just fluff out your tutu and prance away.”  (Sent by Virginia P)  This is a picturesque Winning Words.  I can just imagine YOU fluffing your tutu and prancing.  HaHa.  But, sometimes we need to walk awat (to let go) of things that disturb us.  That includes people, too.  Life’s too short to deny us better things, better choices.  ;-)  Jack

    FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  my tutu is pink.  what color is yours?===JACK: Following Luther's tradition, mine is black. ===SP:   i did dress up in a full Elvis costume one time.  complete with wig, glasses,  etc.  it got a lot of laffs.  it was a kind of talent show at the church. ===JACK:  There would have been more laffs if you had worn the costume during a sermon.  Some ALC pastors were into Clown Ministry.  Were you ever part of that group?===SP:  i was not but i had this reaction:   if it was done well, it was worthwhile.  but there were so many imitators who did a really schocky job that  it was almost embarrassing.   it made the message look silly if not sort of pathetic.   there was one fellow who also wrote a book about clown ministry and he was amazing.  most of the rest with just "clowns"  but not professional enuff to pull it off. 

    FROM MOORZ:  This is my favorite WW quote ever. My thanks go out to Jack and Virginia! I laughed and laughed thinking of people I know who would be wearing a tutu...===JACK:  The quote is meant to show YOU in a tutu, prancing away.  I can picture it NOW.

    FROM  EEF:  Your WWs made me laugh today. The visual is so so funny! I think your sister will laugh at this one too!  Haha===JACK: Have you ever worn a tutu...or pranced?

    FROM JU IN NC:  Never wore a tutu......TU far out for me.  After walking into a bush filled with hornets ...I pranced.===JACK:  Walking into a hornet's nest wearing a tutu...I can imagine that you not only dancing...and really fast, too.

    FROM HOMELESS:  Did this come from Rachel? Because the WW made me laugh initially, and then I cried.  Nope, never wore a tutu. Maybe come Halloween this year?!?!Have you ever worn a tutu?===JACK:  Me wearing a tutu would be too..too much.

    FROM MAGS:  I have! Took ballet lessons for 4 years (4-8). Mike took tap dancing lessons but no tutu 😉===JACK:  Does your tutu still fit?  

    FROM LBP:  I have never worn a tutu. I did take figure skating at the roller rink when I was around 9 and that came with a leotard and little skirt (I used to practice in the fellowship hall at HS while mom practiced the organ for service). And yes, I suppose the dance class I took in my 30s included prancing. I did have a recital performance but It was not a classical ballet so no tutu. ===JACK:  I used to have fun (trying not to take an embarrassing fall) skaing with the Luther League at the Rink on M59 in Waterford....No tutu, either!

    FROM JSMS:  Jack—- I realize the quote was for me but I plan to share it with all my friends and I know they use it.===JACK:  If the tutu fits, wear it!

    FROM CZB IN NH:  It cracked me up too!  It actually provided the levity and inspiration I needed yesterday!   I do not have a tutu but am considering getting one!===JACK:  Just for fun...Use your imagination and "see3" people you know, dressed in a tutu.  Bill, dad, the dog, Trump!

    Wednesday, June 09, 2021

     Jack’s Winning Words 6/9/21

    “I started concentrating so hard on my vision that I lost sight.”  (Robin Green)  At first I thought the author of this quote was Robin who had a hand in writing for Rolling Stone and TV’s Bluebloods   But, the reference to vision and sight led me to another Robin Green who is at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas, and helps the blind.  That makes sense!  As we age, we tend to have vision problems…but that doesn’t mean giving up the ability to see (understand).  I see sight and insight in this quote.  What do you see?  ;-)  Jack

    FROM WILLMAR REV:  Just getting in from a 2-hour fire call and finding a couple of nights lodging for an older Hispanic couple when I say your blog. My thoughts from your question this morning takes me to ministers being too busy serving the church or community they lose clearer vision of their individual and/or family needs. 0;-/===JACK:  You raise a  common problem among clergy...taking care of the needs of the congregation and forgetting about the needs of the family.  It's a ba;lancing act.  At times I had a problem with this, but with the passage of time, I guess it came out OK.  It must be really hard for the pro bowlers on tour. ===REV:  Unfortunately, with the bowlers , I saw a lot of abuse to their marriage relationship back home while out away from accountability . . . reminds me of truck drivers as well. 0;-/===JACK:  One of my friends "walked the talk."  She had a husband truck driver (who was a former pastor).===REV:  Just like the vast majority of all pastors, priests, and truck drivers . . . good examples of faithfulness!! Pro bowlers? We will leave that group in God's hands?===JACK:  Do you know the song, "The love of God is greatewr far than tongue or pen can ever tell"?.


    FROM COPPER COUNTRY PASTOR:  I see the damning divisions in our society.   I see the "ME-ism" that views Jan 6th as just another day of visitors to the Capitol.   I see "I'm right you're wrong and in rage I will shoot you."    I see "I'm right, I don't need to negotiate. Everything else is liberal Socialism.."      I"M Big shot Bob who can throw my pop can, potato chip wrapper and kids' dirty diaper out the window and have the church group or Lion's club be my slave to clean up my messy highway.     I'm the lazy shopper who leaves my cart in the parking lot so the wind can blow it against your car and scratch it.   I'm the tired parent who watches tv but doesn't have time to assign a kid duties to teach responsibility and accountability like Tuesday you empty the garbage, Thursday you help with the dishes, and every day you clean up your room as part of our family.===JACK:  I see somebody on his "high horse."  I see a pastor who has tried to practice what he preaches.  We need to see more of them.  I try to see the good in people...even the good in some of the bad.  Christ is also called, "The Redeemer." 

    FROM NORM'S BLOG:  It is all too easy to become so focused and intense on the pursuit of career goals that all else drops “out of sight”, including family. Some men become so focused and intense in their pursuit of career success that they develop a kind of tunnel-vision, seeing only what is directly ahead of them in their next career goal. They sacrifice family time by tell themselves that they are doing this for the family; when it is all about themselves and the intense focus that they have on success at work.

    Most men do define themselves largely by their careers and the work that they do, more so than the things that they do with family. The answer to the question, “What do you do?” is seldom answered, “Well, I’m a husband and a father”, as the initial response.  It is certainly important to find a career or work that provides sufficient income to support the family; however, the work itself should always remain a means to an end and not the end in itself. Those who get too intensely focused upon work success lose sight of the importance of why they are working.===JACK:  There's a song......."Do you see what i see?"  In this case..."Yes, you do>'

    FROM YOGA GURU:  My husband was in Conway yesterday picking up a helmet for my grandson's baseball  tryout.  I'll have to look Robin up the next time I visit my daughter in the Little Rock area.  I see that we live in a small world and are so connected - more than we know.  I am always trying to Look Up.  Tomorrow morning 5:50 am - ring of fire eclipse !===JACK:  One of Johnny Cash's hits was "Ring of Fire."  Now I'm curious about how that song came to be written...and the choosing of the title.  You're not the only one who has the curiosity to look things up.  The Robin Green story is the result of curiosity.

    FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good one, Jack.   and i can "see" it too:):):)  ===JACK:  Is there an amazing thing thing that you have "seen" recently.  At times, they are right before our eyes...and we don't notice them.

    FROM SA IN WA:  I see humor. ;) ===JACK:  One of my favorite sight humor stories is about the time you and your dad went to the beach with a metal detector looking for money.  The seach was fruitless.  "Oh, well, let's go to McDonald's.  As you stepped out of the car, there was a twenty dollar bill on the ground.  HAHA.