Thursday, March 31, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 3/31/22

 “I am not a fatalist…I am an optimist who worries a lot.”  (Madeleine Albright)  I was unpleasantly surprised to learn of Albright’s death.  Adopted and raised in Eastern Europe as a Catholic, she learned later in life that she was actually Jewish.  In these days of “firsts<” she was the first female Secretary of State and di her job in a “No Nonsense” way.  I was pleasantly surprised that she and I share the same spirit of an optimistic mind.  How about you?  Is the glass half-empty or half-full?  ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  One can have dreams that are mere idle musings and it is easy to let go of them. Life changing dreams are seldom so casual and often involve appeals to God for help in achieving them. That brings the second graphic into play. One must have faith to keep pursuing their dreams, even in the face of long delays or temporary setbacks.  Dreams are seldom accompanied by detailed plans and an exact timetable. Initial prayers are seldom requests for the patience and perseverance needed to achieve one’s dreams, yet that is what is most often required. Instead of questioning God as to why he hasn’t helped you achieve your dream yet, it is better that you should thank him for helping you get as far as you are and try to understand the guidance that he is giving you. If nothing else, at least acknowledge that it is not over yet, so your dream is still alive. Keep praying for the patience and perseverance to continue pursuing your dream.===JACK:  There are several instances in the Bible which describe God coming to people in a dream.  However it happens, I believe that "God" comes to us to inspire us, to motivate us, to assure us that there is a role for us in the scheme of things.  Being a realtor, a pastor, or a waste hauler, each is important.  Maybe that's part of what MLK Jr was talking about when he said, "I have a dream."

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Getting stale just sitting there with me looking at it . . . needing to throw it out and fill the glass now with some fresh running and overflowing water! 0;-)===JACK:  Would Jesus be a member of the Optimist Club.  At our club we begin each meeting with an invocation...sometimes a prayer...sometimes an uplifting thought on current events.  Jesus might not be a dues-paying member, but He's always welcome.

FROM JJ IN SJ:  Jack I’m an optimist about a number of things: the strength, wisdom and fortitude of our young people, the trust and faith I have in my family, the goodness to be found in people around the world. I am a pessimist about the health of the environment and our capacity as the humans on earth to wake up to the threat. I’m a pessimist about the ability of our democracy as we know it survive the next congressional election. Do prove me wrong.===JACK:  It's all in the mind...optimism or pessimism.  We control those things we can control...even our attitudes.  In "my work" I try to show a positive, to give people a sign of hope in a world of hopelessness....and there is an in-between, too...reality.  You are a sign of hope for the future.

FROM MY LAWYER:  I with you.===JACK:  It's always good to have an attorney on your side.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Loved Madeleine.  Read her book and met her at a couple of speaking engagements she did in Chicago for the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations St. John Boutique because she wore, almost exclusively their suits with her very meaningful pins on the shoulder😊===JACK:  Yes, I remember reading about Madeleine's pins.  There's a traveling exhibit of her pins, called: "Read My Pins."  Over 200 pins expressing her feeling toward a particular foreign policy or other cause that she supported.===BB:  I have the book Madame Secretary but not sure if I have Read My Pins though she talked about writing it when I heard her lecture.  Will check out where the exhibit is slated to appear.  Thanks for letting me know.===JACK:  She would have made a great President of our country, except that she was foreign-born.

FROM DAVID LM:  Have enjoyed your daily "gifts" for many years. Was a 60's seminarian at our same school, now in Chi Town".  Also served Lindholm family in a two-point call. You are using the Lord's gifts to you in a special way.  Good gospel stewardship.  P.S,: Mattson bros. were at R.I. when my class matriculated. Blessings to you.===JACK:  I was of a class of 80  who graduated from Augustana Seminary in 1954.  My first sermon, as a college student was preached Lindholm's family's church in Ogden, Iowa.  Sweaty palms!

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  my cup overfloweth!===JACK:  Is there an Optimist Club in Apple Valley...besides SOTV?  You could stand outside the Mall of America and sell flags.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 3/30/22
“The gates of hell shall not prevail.”  (Jesus – Matthew 16:18)  We can become discouraged when we see what’s going on around us..  My hope is in a God who is the ultimate good.  A hymn written during the Civil War says that the wrong shall fail and the right shall prevail.  What is it that gives you hope?  For me, I’m encouraged by some of the younger generation who want to salvage the environment, who are not satisfied with political answers to social problems.  I have hope that “the gates of hell will not prevail” against such a force for good.  ;-)  Jack


How can having doubts about your faith make it stronger? I think the answer is that doubts throw you off-center; they trouble your mind and spin you away from the beliefs that your faith is based upon. Doubts are distractions and sometimes major events in one’s life can cause very big doubts and major distraction from our beliefs. This is especially true when we lose a loved one or when a major event causes seemingly catastrophic disruption to our lives. Think of the doubts that people in Ukraine must be gong through right now. Many times those doubts center around the thought “How could God let this happen to me?”  So, there you are, spinning further and further away from your faith. How do you reestablish your faith, re-center yourself and regain control? How do you actually make your faith stronger in the face of doubts?  I think Jack answered that question in an earlier post using a quote sent to him by one of his followers -  “Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.”  (Sent by RVB) We say “peace be with you” often in church or maybe “be at peace” during a conversation, but how does one master peace? It all gets back to faith. The reason that one has ants in their pants is their inability to control things, to solve the unsolvable problem or face the reality of a temporary failure. We spend sleepless nights agonizing over the “coulda, woulda, shouldas” of life instead of accepting what has happened and moving on.===JACK:  I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has ants in his pants.

FROM JJ IN SJ:  Good morning Jack!  I was encouraged by the Monday meeting of Cultural Bridges. There was real enthusiasm for the idea of conversation meetings across cultures.  The talk was of coffee and tea in public spaces.  Maybe even in homes some day.  And then again, hell does seem to prevail every day, as does some measure of grace and hope. Nice to see open arms to refugees. ===JACK:  Hell is there when you look for it.  So is heaven.  I'm glad that you're looking on the bright side of life.  Things go much better with that attitude.  

FROM SR R IN SC:  The Scriptures seems to always present a remnant of folk who will stand for the truth that prevails therein and prevails coming and going, recycling in and out throughout history…I’m thankful for such and the Sovereignty of God’s control! ===JACK: I like the word, sovereignty better than I do, presidency.  In reality, we "cast our vote" for God every time we confess the Apostles' Creed.  No matter the vote count, God remains Sovereign. ===R:   What gives me continual hope is the way individuals and countries are reaching out to those who are suffering in Ukraine. ===JACK:  Faith in action.  God is the ruller, goes the hymn.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I like your words, “not satisfied with political solutions to social problems”.  "A" recently gave me a great article, something to the effect, “Other Countries Have Social Safety Nets: the U.S. Has Women” which highlighted that Covid decimated women’s pay and careers as they cared for children since our country has no childcare solution.  Very…interesting.===JACK:  Isn't it interesting (and exciting) to see young people using their minds?  It's discouraging when people turn social issues into political ones.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 3/29/22
“You fear what you don’t know.”  (Chad Druetzler)  In a Today Show  interview told how he and his wife were told that their expected baby would be born with Down Syndrome.  They were devastated, but after meeting with other D S parents, they heard of success stories.  “My child is on the National Honor Society.”  “My daughter is a cheerleader.”  I personally know of several families who tell similar stories.  One young lady was the Maid of Honor at her brother’s wedding that I performed.  She was ecstatic…and so were we all.  ;-) Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  One psychologist told me of a study that shows that the right therapy CAN (not WILL) raise a Downs Syndrome child’s IQ by as much as thirty points!===JACK:  Race is not the only prejudice.  It's any thing that's different...Downs, accent, ethnicity. education  Twilight Zone had an interesting episode which explored, "What is beauty?"  

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Yes, our granddaughter with DS is such a blessing in our lives.===JACK:  Yes, I remember when you first told me about her.  Apprehension, but it was going to work out.....and it has===RS:   She will be 7 on April 16

FROM WILLMAR REV:  The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” (Psalm 24:1)===JACK:  If "this is my Father's world, does that include evil, not saying that birth anomalies are evil, but that which in opposition to God.  Is that part of the "fullness thereof?"


Monday, March 28, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words 3/28/22
“Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith.  They keep it awake and moving.”  (Frederick Buechner)  Theologian Buechner admits to having doubts when it comes to religion and asks if each of us hasn’t  “questioned” our belief.  Even when Jesus was teaching  and performing miracles, there were those who doubted him as “God among us.”  I’m with Frederick.  I find that my faith is stronger when it has “ants in the pants.”  Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”  Do you feel that your faith is wide awake and moving?  ;-)  Jack    

Friday, March 25, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/25/22

Everyone has his own mission in life.”  (Viktor Frankl)  In the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, the point is made that the world would be different if George Bailey had not been born.  It can be also said that this world would be different if you or I weren’t a part of it.  Think about that!  Dr. Frankl claims that we each have a mission in life.  The question is not whether or not we have made the world a better place, but whether or not we made a positive influence. We are each a George Bailey.  At least, Viktor Frankl seems to think so.  Do you?  ;-)  Jack

FROM LS IN MI:  The influence we are “destined” to make in life is not positive or negative, it just is.   How it “is” determined is a mystery.  How it is interpreted is left to the universe.  Like a tree falling in the forest and no one around to hear it - does it make a noise ?  If we exist,  with nothing  to interpret our influence have we made a positive or negative or any  influence at all ?  I love the mystery of life for I believe when I am “ready” to receive,  all knowing, I shall receive this blessing.  Wishing you a healthy, beautiful day. ===JACK:  Those truly are thought-provoking "thoughts."  ...the people we meet and interact with certainly affect us...change us...for better...or worse. 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:   glad you are part of my world...===JACK:  I seem to remember that our first contact was when you were in real estate with "Corky" Mahar.  Lots of water has passed over the dam.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Am enjoying reflecting upon the WW this morning.  Yes, I also believe we are each a George Bailey.  We used to, in our family, mail out birthday cards.  But for lots of years now, what with the internet and Facebook, are in the habit of sending Happy Birthday wishes in this very fast way.  I type out something like “We are glad and thankful you popped out on this day to bless all our family and the world with your love and talents and giftedness.  Happy Birthday!!!”  Everyone is special.  Everyone has a unique part to play in this world.  No one is more valuable but no one is less valuable either.  It’s the Gold Standard of life we hold to.  Agree completely with Victor Frankl.  I’m thinking he was a Holocaust survivor or something but will have to google to check that out.  Thanks for generating WW for us to reflect upon this morning.  Your love, talents and giftedness are very much appreciated by all of us too, Thank you for popping out into the world!!!===JACK:  Will there be a Church Garden this year?  I know that you and Jerry used to do most of the work, but prayers aren't the only things "raised" to give praise to God and to nourish the hungry. ===SS:  Yes, planning is under way for this coming season of the community farm.  In fact, Jerry and I are supposed to give a little temple talk on it this Sunday.  One never knows who might turn up to volunteer in the field and fortunately Jerry and I still have the health for it but some cricks and stuff in the back and so forth.  Just means that we have to pace ourselves more now.  Thanks for your interest in this charitable project and prayers.===JACK:  As a text for your about the parable of the Sower and the Seed?

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  Yes, I certainly do agree with that.  If I had time I could show examples of that. Right now I am on my way to help at the food pantry at church.  Rick was such a good example of "doing good" and I am trying to follow his lead.===JACK:  That, too, is a reason for following Jesus.  One of the most popular books ever written was IN HIS STEPS, by Charles Sheldon.    

FROM MV AT ML:  I had a class in college called Meaning in Life. We read Man’s Search For Meaning by Frankl. It was a very important book for me to read in my life’s development. He found meaning in life in a concentration camp. He found people living and finding meaning despite the horrific conditions in the camp.  JACK:  I've always been an advocate for a "Liberal Education" which allows "career-focused" students to be introduced to the thoughts of people like Frankl.

FROM SALON SUZY:  World has been different fir me since your blog 🙏===JACK:  I need to sit in "your chair" more often.  I'll put it on my TO DO LIST when I return to Minnesota.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Absolutely.  Doing my best to be a positive influence every day in my own little world, and thoroughly enjoying it in the process.  One of the reasons I have such respect for you and the profound positive influence you have had on so many.  Thank you,===JACK:  I, too, am thoroughly enjoying life.  Looking back, I have tried to craft my ministry along "positive" help make religion a meaningful and satisfying for "my" people.

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  On that theme is one of my favorite quotes:  "To the world,you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.===JACK:  I don't look for an answer, bt who's "the world" to you...and in whose world do you have a very important place?


Thursday, March 24, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 3/24/22
“History never looks like history when you’re living through it.”  (John Gardner)  History-making events for me: a 4-term President, the Great Depression, WW 2, first  atomic bomb…then, moving into your era.  What have been the history makers?  Ordinary days have a way of becoming extra-ordinary.  Will the Ukraine conflict evolve into WW 3?  Philosopher Santayana said: “If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.”  It is important that history be taught!   We need to know why there are war memorials in D.C., why there’s a MLK Jr statue.  Pete Seeger wrote/sang: “When will you ever learn?”  ;-)  Jack  

FROM FACEBACK LIZ:  you lived thru some mighty historic times! ===JACK:  Yes, that's true///but the quote makes the point that these can be "historic" times, even greater that those I've experienced. ===LIZ:  definitely! covid was the beginning of WWIII===JACK:  We will only know when we have the opportunity to look back...if we have the opportunity.  These are troubling times... ===LIZ:  i think it's a great opportunity to root out bad actors. power to the people! all over the world, we are seeing that we hold it.  do the russians want to live under putin? the chinese under xi? we, under biden? fortunately for america, we were never stupid enuf to let them take our guns.  guess what. i may be moving to new hampshire to join the second american revolution. i am handling a very important (nationally) republican primary campaign for lily tang williams. google her. ===JACK:  It seems as though you are straying from your Libertarian principles by siding with the GOP.  Do you own a gun?===LIZ:   libertarians are fiscally conservative, socially liberal... freedom to choose whatever you decide is best for you and your family.  she is a libertarian-minded repub, like rand paul, whose dad, ron paul, was also a repub.  i have done work for dems i believe in...===JACK:  Libertarians that I have known have never come close to be elected while running as Libertarians   The Pauls are RINOS...and that is a moniker thought up by Republicans.  I'm OK with that. 

FROM SMILIN' TERI:   Sooooo true. Someday, when this time is history, there will be some that cannot even relate.===JACK:  I can't imagine what it was like for you, as a female, to live in Saudi Arabia.  I'd like to invite you to zoom in and tell the Optimists about it.  Tuesdays at 9 am.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  If the present crisis evolves into WW III, then history will no longer be written!===JACK:  That's a possibility.  There's a Gospel song that I like..."This world is not my home; I'm just-a passin' through.  My treasures are laid up a-way beyond the blue."  Biden is criticized by some because of his restraint.  I think that he realizes how horrible a world-wide nuclear war would be.  

FROM ST PAUL IN ZONA:  Actually, the lyric is "When will they ever learn."===JACK:  I took the liberty of making a change to make the quote more personal.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Excellent WW!  Pet Seeger is probably  still saying it!!  We are S-L-O-W to learn, it seems! :-(===JACK:  Social issue ideas are usually best accepted by using song.

FROM BIG AL:  Pete Seeger and the Weavers were black listed.  Sometimes history is hurtful.===JACK:  Was the "problem" because of Viet Nam protests?


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words  3/23/22

“To see the Earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the Earth together.”  (Archibald MacLeish)  In her song, If Only, Dove Cameron sings: “What’s wrong?  What’s right?”  …and, in frustration, adds: “If only, I could read the signs.”  That’s how many people look at the world today.  How might you finish the “If only” statement as it relates to the Earth today?  I’m frustrated, but I haven’t given up.  I place my hope in the words of Jesus:  “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, soul and mind…and love your neighbor as you love yourself>”-)  Jack   :

FROM SALON SUZY:  So true, just got back from hiking in California vacation. Blue skies and blue ocean. Love!===JACK:  If it were up yo me, I'd choose, "America, the Beautiful," as our national anthem.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Still very important words: The GREAT commandment!!===JACK:  GOLDEN! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/22/22

“God respects me when I work, but He loves me when I sing.”  (Rabindranath Tagore) Today marks the birth-days of famous (but different) singers: Elton John and Aretha Franklin. Both were award-winning song composers.  What I didn’t realize was that Hindu philosopher Tagore also wrote songs, 2,232 of them.  God respects those who make music: Did you know that Gandhi played the concertina? And that Einstein was a violinist?  And that Harry Truman banged on the piano?  I expect that in Heaven there will be more that harp playing and angel choirs. Make a joyful noise today! ;-)  Jack 

FROM MMM:  I've worked with many musicians in my ministry, and you've been one of the best.  I expect that you will enjoy Heaven in more ways than one.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  “You can have a song in your heart in the night,  After every mile, after every trial,  Anyone can (sing) when the sun is shining bright,  But you can have a song in your heart in the night!” 0;-)===JACK:  I did some editing of your response.  Did I do right?  BTW, I still think that you should record a CD of you singing some of your favorite hymns and choruses.

FROM SR R IN SC:  The sound of music delights our God, too! My voice is virtually gone but i can sing with my heart===JACK:  Even the crows call is beautiful to other crows and to the God who made them as they are.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I will do that.

Monday, March 21, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 3/21/22
“Springtime is the land awakening.  The March winds are the morning yawn.”  (Lewis Grizzard)    I see that Congress is moving toward making DST permanent.  Do you like or not like that action?  The legislators may tinker with time, but they can’t do anything about the first day of Spring (that happens when the sun crosses the equator, from south to north, and “the heavens” control that)  This year,  Spring arrived yesterday.  The daffodils are poking through the soil.  The birds are heading north..  Didn’t God do a great job when He created Spring?    ;-)  Jack

FROM THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  A drive-in movie theatre is said to have displayed the following winter message, which I think is derived from a similar poem:  “When Spring is sprang and grass is riz,  this is where the movies is”===JACK:  I remember that ditty, but with the ending: "I wonder where the flowers is."===FISH:  there is also "I wonder where the boidies is"..I haven't found original attribution yet===JACK:  Is that a challenge?===FISH:  I've noticed that you are really good at that.===JACK:  Although often attributed to Ogden Nash or e e cummings, the credit goes to A. Non.  I happen to like this version...

                                      The Budding Bronx by Arnold Silcock

Der spring is sprung
Der grass is riz
I wonder where dem boidies is?

Der little boids is on der wing,
Ain’t dat absoid?
Der little wings is on de boid!

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  When Ii think of Spring… this is one of my top recalls.  I wish I could hear him today call another game....===JACK:   "For lo' the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. Happy New Year, everybody." It's Tiger Baseball (Ernie Harwell quoting this verse from the Bible.) 

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  I enjoy spring every year when it comes – new growth, new colors, more sunshine, rains to wash away the dirt from winter.  I really don’t think we gain that much by moving our clocks ahead one hour.  It is still dark when I get up at 5 and it is dark when I go to bed at 9:45 or 10.  The farmers will work from sun up to sundown no matter what time it is.  They work until the jobs are finished.  Plants grow in the sunshine and rest in the darkness of the day no matter what time it is.  Decided to look up when this craziness began – before 1908 when it really came into existence, and it was to conserve energy – the use of the candle. 😊It had nothing to do with the farmers and yet they are the ones in current times who seemed to get blamed for needing this change.  Yet countries near the equator don’t change their clocks as they have equal light and dark all the time.  Africa and Asia don’t use DST.  Our politicians will tell us what to do one more time either way.  We can just we thankful we have sunshine, rain, clouds, winds, snow, growing seasons and rest seasons, earth/dirt in which to grow food, trees, plants etc and the moon to guide us at night.  Thankful Spring is here!  Our snow is still melting.  Can’t see any daffodils or tulips yet.===JACK:  The current proposal would not go into effect until 2923, and then your CDT would be renamed CST (Central Standard Time). The extra hour of daylight in the evening allows for longer time for golf and other activities that require daylight.  Here in Michigan (because the state is so wide) we have two time zones.  The lower peninsula and half of the upper are in the eastern zone while the western UP is in the central.  I support the change. 

FROM MARMARB:  Yes, God certainly did do a great job when He created spring.  I think it is the most beautiful time of the year and my favorite season.===JACK:  What do you miss about Irma in the springtime?


Friday, March 18, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 3/18/22

“In a lifetime (someone) can live under many presidents, but a really fine teacher comes into (one’s) life rarely.”  (Eisenhower)   James Mitchner was invited by President Eisenhower  to a dinner at the White House.  Three days earlier Mitchner had been  invited to attend a dinner honoring a high school teacher.  He wrote to the President:  “I received your invitation three days after I had agreed to speak a few words at a dinner honoring the wonderful high school teacher who taught me to write. I know you will not miss me at your dinner, but she might at hers.”  In return, Michener received a very perceptive note from the President.  It said: “In a lifetime a man can live under many presidents, but a really fine teacher comes into his life rarely.”   Think about it – Presidents have come and gone, but the influence of a good teacher can change a life.  ;-)  Jack

FROM GF IN FL:  I know this to be true. Beautiful and insightful.===JACK:  At breakfast, this morning, i was remembering a college English professor who influenced my writing.  I neglected the thank her...and now it's too late.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  So true of those teachers I was privileged to sit under in those earlier years of my life . . . Posted below is a Scripture that has inspired me to come alongside (as close as possible) to the hearts of those God has entrusted me with over the past 50 years of ministry. I am blessed even today by means of Facebook having "Friends" that were and still are part of an ongoing relationship through ministry over these many years and up till now:   "I do not write these things to shame you, but to warn and advise you as my beloved children. For even if you were to have ten thousand teachers [to guide you] in Christ, yet you would not have many fathers [who led you to Christ and assumed responsibility for you], for I became your father in Christ Jesus through the good news [of salvation]. So I urge you, be imitators of me [just as a child imitates his father]" (1 Corinthians 4:14-16 Amplified Bible). 0;-)===JACK:  Paul was not only an evangelist, but he was also a "teacher" of how to live out your faith in the everyday world.  I gues that's our job, too.

FROM HONEST JOHN:   We have been fairly fortunate…..we have lived under some fairly good Presidents….one recent one was an evil human being but most seem to have been pretty decent folks….and have chosen good advisors….the same can’t be said for our church!===JACK:  On balance, I think that you could go "easier" on the Church leaders...not perfect, but they're trying.  As far as U.S. Presidents go, much of what they accomplish, or fail to accomplish is because of the Congress and the Courts they have to work with.  In retrospect, IKE was a better president than I thought, at the time.

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  Really wish I could share this with my 7th and 8th grade teacher – Mrs. Magnuson.  She inspired me to go into teaching and be interested in history.  A delightful women in the classroom and also outside that setting.   Thanks too for the encouragement to look up acronyms this week.  I encourage our grands to write things out when they send me text messages as I don’t try to keep up with all the shortcuts these days. LOL  I do understand though when they send me XOXO.  Hope you have a great weekend.  This begins three weekends of curling for us.  Bob is playing in the Men’s playdowns this weekend, on a Mixed team next weekend and the first weekend in April will be the State Senior Men’s Bonspiel.  He’s going to love all this ice time!  He just left to go skiing for probably the last time this season at our local hill.===JACK:  In your growing up years, what teacher was responsible for leading you to the faith that is yours?  ...and speaking of curling, the partner of Joan's daughter at work was a member of the women's USA Olympic Curling Team.   BF4L ===QC:  Next to my mom who was Sunday School superintendent all of my growing up years (and then some) and taught all of us siblings was Mrs. Meslow.  She, bless her heart, was our high school Sunday School teacher and a great role model of what it was to be a Christian woman. She took us through the Bible teaching us the stories of Jesus’ ministry and tried her best to show us how to apply that in our daily lives. She was a friend of my mom’s and after I was married, we became friends as well.  Cool that you had a connection too to the Olympic curlers.  John Shuster has been to our local club several times to curl and came down when the club celebrated it’s 50th anniversary to visit with anyone and everyone.  Brought his previous Olympic medals for us to see, hold and take pictures.  Some of others on his team have also been here to curl, but do it quietly.  Becca Hamilton and her brother have also been at the club but I have not met them yet.  Yes!  BF4L===JACK:  i had a hunch that you'd have a story.  You, among church members, were "different" in a good way.

 FROM PASTY PAT:  Please know that while I am derelict in general about responding to email, WWs are as important to my morning routine as that first cup of coffee!===JACK:  I KNOW how important that first cup of coffee is.  Right now I drinking Green Mountain Dark Road (no cream or sugar).

FROM GUSTIE:  Excellent.  Mitchner was my favorite author.  I have all of his books and have read every one of them.===JACK:  I like skinny books like those written by "Mitch" (Mitch Albom). on and on and on with the other "Mitch".  

FROM ST PAUL IN ZONA:  not just a good one,  Jack,  but a very memorable one!   thanks. 
===JACK:  Once in a while even a poor preacher can say the right words.

FROM ER IN SJ:  Very interesting quote on a few levels. Superficially, I think it speaks highly of Eisenhower's intelligence and humility. Thanks for sharing.===JACK:  I think that one of the toughest decisions IKE had to make was whether or not to start the D-Day invasion of WW 2, knowing the number of potential casualties......and what if it failed?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/17/22

“I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.”  (Nelson Mandela)  If Patrick did not drive the snakes out of Ireland, and if he never wore a shamrock, why is he called a “Saint”?  According to the Catholic Church, sainthood is bestowed on someone who has done remarkable good and holy things – like Mother Teresa and he working among the sick and poor – like Patrick who brought Christianity to Ireland.  Perhaps you’d like to bestow sainthood on someone, and who might that be?  For those of us who keep on trying, without quite achieving, “Thank God for Grace!” which provides a place in His Heaven for “sinners”. Let’s drink (a Root Beer) to that!  ;-)  Jack     

FROM RLS IN TEXAS:  MLK might be a good candidate for Sainthood===JACK:  It depends on who it is that's in charge of handing out halos.  Not everyone was a fan of his.  I happen to think that he is worthy of sainthood as much as Patrick is.  He also has his own special day on the calendar..

FROM LR:  Amen!! Thank God for grace!!  And thank you Pastor Freed!! 🙏❤ ===JACK:  wow!  It's been a loooong time since hearing from you.  It appears that God is still important in your life.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I am enjoying reflecting upon your WW this morning.  And plan to go to Majestic Market a block away to buy some kind of beer to celebrate the springy weather today and remembering the sacrificial faithful love of my mom and dad, Jerry’s mom and dad and Kris’s mom and dad.  I bestow Sainthood on these people and don’t mind one bit a lot of other people who lived out their lives with sacrificial faithful love to God and neighbor having Sainthood bestowed on them.  Actually, at some time in the future, if Lutherans and Catholics are reconciled and before Jesus’s second coming, Martin Luther might have Sainthood bestowed on him for the sacrificial faithful service he did for God and the Church in helping some much needed reforms to take place.  That is, if reconciliation takes place and believers are more unified.  My impression is not that the Catholics don’t believe that the Saints are not without sin but rather need to be lifted up and appreciated and even become examples for the good they do and have done; whereas the Protestants want to be really down-to-earth and cognizant of the nature of human beings being human and we have some unresolved issues regarding the possibilities of Saintliness—as far as I can figure out anyway so far.  You’re a Saint in my opinion, Pastor Freed, I’m not going to regard you as a glass half-empty or me either and looking forward to enjoying my beer this afternoon.  Maybe the Majestic has on hand an Irish brand.===JACK:  Can a saint be someone who has never tasted beer, green, brown, or some other color?  If, NO is the answer, that eliminates Luther. 

FROM SR R IN MN:  I'll join you for the Root Beer, Jack!!!===JACK:  A & W, Hires or Dad's Old Fashioned?


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/16/22

“The 3 C’s of life: You must make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE, or your life will never CHANGE.”  (Sent  by Kathy M)    How many of these acronyms can you identity:  TSA  CIA  WWW  PDQ  COO  RFD  CAT?  In today’s social media, LOL and OMG are the ones I see most often.  The 3 C’s in today’s quote are a reminder that whenever we make a choice in this life (career-diet-mate-nextstep) we’re taking a chance that it may or may not work.  But, if you want to have things Change in your life, you will have to make the Choice to take a Chance.   IYO?  ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  As a Realtor® I have often written blog posts on my real estate blog about the three C’s of real estate – Condition, Clutter and Cleanliness. Those three things are critical factors in determining the price and speed at which a property will sell. In days past I would also usually also write about the three-P’s that that I advise the sellers about – Price, Patience and Perseverance. In these days of low inventory and rapidly rising prices the Three-P’s advice seems to matter less, but the three C’s still have a big impact on how quickly a property will sell and for how much.===JACK:  I guess I haven't thought about it before, but a realtor has to choose his/her words carefully to maintain the trust of the buyer and the seller.  The purchase of real estate is often a major decision in the lives of people. 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i made a choice on monday! 🙏🏻===JACK:  We make choices every day.  Some are more important that others.  Some work out better than others.  But, Free Will means that we each are permitted to make choices independently.  Nest wishes as you choose wisely.===LIZ:  free will... coming to a world near you!===JACK:  There are those who would seek to dominate, but we respond is an example of free will..


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/15/22

“How we handle what’s ahead of us will be determined by what we learned from everything that’s behind us.”  (Craig Lounsbrough)  This quote was sent to me by an experienced  school teacher.  She sees the value of a basic foundation for an educated person.  It starts with a caring home.  Even Kindergarten is important.  My “best learning” took place in Grade 6…because of the teacher.  One block upon another, and pretty soon you’re educated!   “We are what we were.”  Even the world we have is a world we’ve made…isn’t  it?   ;-)  Jack  

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  Reminds me of the saying: "The further back you look,the further ahead you can see..===JACK:  It reminds me of the song: "I was looking back to see if he was looking back at me."

FOM DR JOE D:  You’re 6th grade teacher must have been special. What do you remember most about her/him?  Why memorable?  I love asking this question of my students too.  Teachers matter!  One activity I do with the teachers I teach with my professional development business is what I call “STAND TALL”  I have them Stand up and form a line from least amount of teaching experience to most… Then we sound off… stating how many years of experience we each have. They then calculate a total number of teaching experience… and then multiple that by a factor of 60 students (the average number of students/year the teachers teach), and then we multiple that by185 (average number of days of the school year). My last group.  32 teachers and a cumulative of 448 years of experience  448 x 60 students = 26,880 students impacted to date  26,880 x 185 = 4,972,800 student impact days  Bottom line… Teachers matter… we have a very large impact on the future of our world. Perhaps larger than any other profession!   For better or for worse.  Teachers who voluntarily come to professional development to learn more and grow typically change the world in positive ways.  I want them to know how much they matter!===JACK:  She made learning fun with lots of competition (flash cards).  Once A student was standing in front of the calss with his "barn door" open.  The class was snickering.  She calmly took him into the hall where the problem was fixed.  The recitation went on as though nothing had happened.  The teacher and her boyfriend took the class of a Saturday bike ride.  Since I didn't have a bike, I borrowed one, because I didn't want to miss out.  She got married and had to quit teaching, because married women were not allowed to teach (even tho married men were allowed to).  After that rule was suspended she came back to be a really effective administrator.  At  her retirement I went to her home and thanked her for all that she had done.  Ruth Erickson

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  I really liked that and especially because of what I have been going through.  You are truly considered one of my trusted friends!===JACK:  I never pass your WB driveway without thinking of you and Rick.  What was the year when you were married?

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  What a wonderful comment to end the day. you are…a calming force and a great listener.


Monday, March 14, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words 3/14/22

     “If nothing lasts forever, will u be my nothing?”  (Posted by A-aron Graap)    In one of the biblical creation stories, God said, “It is not good that man should be alone.”  We’re meant to relate to each other.  Do you remember your first relationship?  What drew you to that other person? Fate, beauty, common interests, symbiosis?  Online dating sites are popular these days.  Certain signs indicate that the cyber-connect might be a good match: 1) You can talk about anything. 2) You can spend time apart, but don’t want to. 3) Both are willing to compromise. 4) You want to tell others about this relationship.  Have you found your “nothing?”  ;-  Jack

FROM THE SCIENTIST:  First? I was 6 and the flower girl. He was 5 and the ring bearer. Alas we lived 3 states away. But we sent letters back and forth for at least a year. I’m sure our moms got a kick out of it and we’re glad to see us practice writing. Now? 22 years of marriage to my other half. :)===JACK:  I remember 22 years ago, BTW,What happened to the ring-bearer?

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i have made many friends of all ilks online... kinda like having  "penpals."===JACK:  As I think of it, I have met all of my FB "friends" face to face at one time or another.  I treasure the friends I have in Michigan and in Minnesota.  "Let's go out for a cup of coffee" is our favorite phone greeting. ===LIZ:  we have met! and i hope we will meet again. 😇===JACK:  Next time I'll bring the dessert.

FROM ER IN SJ:  I love this one. So simply sweet, but also very complex. The problem is that people, lives and the world are constantly in flux. Another huge question is, "are you willing to adapt with me to navigate through life"? ===JACK:  "One size (in this instance) does not fit all.  It "fits" for the original sender in his situation.

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  At the risk of being disrespectful, I suggest that it is a waste of time to trying find your nothing.  I think your time should be spent in trying to find your something.  As is stated in our Optimist Creed,"To make all your friends feel that there is "something" in them.  I propose it should read "something special" in them.  Just thinkin...===JACK:  Just like "beauty"... the meaning of words is "in the eye of the beholder."  Nothing can also be read as l NO THING."  i agree, "to make others feel that there is something in them" needs a follow up to some thing.  Even "special" seems weak.  How about "some good" in them?


Wednesday, March 09, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/9/22

“You are capable of more than you know.”  (Glinda, the Good Witch)  There’s a machine, called a Ditch Witch which is able to “magically” bore underground trenches.  “Witches” are called, witches, because they have…unbelievable powers.  What Good Witch Glinda said to Dorothy, in the Wizard of Oz, was: “You can have the power of witchcraft, too.”  In fact, you actually do  have that power!  You might not be able to bore trenches, but you have a mind that enables you to make differences in the world around you.  Glinda was right.  Dorothy (and you and I) have more power than we think we have.  How shall we use it?  ;-)  Jack

Tuesday, March 08, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words 3/8/22
“I want to be like a sunflower, so that even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the sunlight.”  (Unknown)  I did not know that the rose was the state flower of America.  Now, I understand why there’s a Rose Garden at the White House.  It makes sense to me now that the sunflower is the state flower of Ukraine, symbolizing solidarity and hope, especially in these days when their country is under siege.  There’ve probably been  times in your life when you’ve felt under siege.  What has given you a sense of hope?  Could it have been a flower?  ;-)  Jack  

FROM WILLMAR REV:  As you most likely are aware, the sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. I just became aware a few years ago that the face of the flower follows the sun from sunrise to sunset. Often what’s true in the physical is true in the spiritual.  I too have a heart to follow the ‘Son’ from sunup to sunset! 0;-)===JACK:  The first presidential candidate I ever saw was Alf Landon from Kansas when he made a whistle-stop speech in my hometown.  I still have a campaign button (in the shape of a sunflower) saved from that time.===REV:  I had forgotten him…Eisenhower in the early fifties was my first physical encounter with a Kansas President.===JACK:  I was a Stevenson voter when he ran against IKE, but history has given the Kansan pretty high marks for his terms as President.

FROM JJ IN SJ: Thanks, Jack===JACK:  Will you be growing sunflowers in your garden this year?  for their beauty?  and as a sign of support for the Ukrainians?

FROM TG IN MI:  Truly resonates with me!===JACK:  You have a "sunflower" face...and that's a compliment, too!


Monday, March 07, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Word 3/7/22

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”  (8th Commandment)  Before the recent invasion of Ukraine, there was talk of Russia planting false flags.  I’ve since learned that, planting a false flag  means using tactics to mislead people.  Political parties do it in our country all the time.  One of the 10 commandments seems to say that God doesn’t approve of false flags..  In Proverbs 6 there’s a list of things that the Lord doesn’t like, and one is a lying tongue. Extenuating circumstances may call for false flags, but….  What do you think?  ;-)  Jack 

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  No, I don’t believe lying is good and God is right on this one.  If a person or country feels like they have to lie to save or protect a million lives or something, still, in my opinion, there will be consequences and need for deep repentance, especially before God and in front of neighbor(s).  Truth is basis for authentic trust between God and people and we need to work towards that, praying first of all God gives us the grace to discern the truth first of all in ourselves so that we can have truthful loving motivations and actions with each other.  The people who would bomb Ukraine and plant false flags on Ukraine’s land show a face that is more self-serving than other directed I think and there will be consequences but I reflect on your WW on the more personal level too, we need to be about truth and how to build trust—lots impossible with humans but not with God and with God’s help.  Appreciate God setting the path for us to walk in, same path Putin has too.  Thought-provoking WW again this morning, Pastor Freed.  Enjoy a blessed day.===JACK:  So... you believe in ALWAYS telling the truth, no matter what the consequences?  Always?  No exceptions?

FROM WILLMAR REV:  The other day an elderly lady waked up to me while perched at a high table in Starbucks and asked if I knew what turned out to be a mutual acquaintance of ours, a widower; however, I did not know this lady asking. The person she was asking about had left our little city and moved up to another town some miles away to be close to family. I thought the person had died, called the church office to verify that information and they thought the same, and I relayed that to the inquirer who was deeply sorry to hear this and went on to shop in Target. 15-20 minutes later the church office called me back to say the old gentleman was still living at 87 years of age in the city spoken of earlier.   You think I could find that lady shopping in Target after hearing this? I stopped three or four thinking it might have one of them to no avail and even stopped one lady twice. Up and down aisle, retracing steps, but all to no avail. Now there will most likely come a time this dear lady or someone else she's spoken to sharing my "unintentional false flag of information" will say to this gentleman, a pastor in Willmar and his office told me you were dead! 0;-/  ===JACK:  Now....if you had purposely tried to mislead the lady, that would have been a different story.  You gave her the best information you had at the time.  Only God is omniscient! ===REV:  Yes, He is and I had good intentions…but it did make for good story with me trying to “find the needle in the haystack” to correct it?! 0;-)===JACK:  If God gave out "brownie points"  He'd call you to the head of the line.


FROM HONEST JOHN:  That was interesting.   I have never heard of a “false flag”.   I wonder if that applies to “flag football” or the game of “capture the flag”?  ===JACK: :  In debate were you ever allowed to plant a false flag in order to mislead the opposition?  Is everything FAIR in love and war?  As a pastor, did you ever find yourself in the position of fudging the truth?  I know that I have.  That's why I subscribe to Situation Ethics ( up to a point.