Monday, August 23, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 8/23/21

“Nothing is impossible.  Some things are just more unlikely than others.”  (Jonathan Winters)  I came across a list of 10 impossible things to do.  #1 was to “lick your own elbow.”  And #10 was to “achieve world peace.”  Did you try #1?  I like the song, “Let There Be Peace On Earth,” because it gives hope for peace on earth,  We sing together, “and let it begin with me,”  World peace begins with peace within self and continues with peace in small groups and on and on until there is world peace.  Unlikely?  Yes!...unless it begins with you and me.  ;-)  Jack     

FROM WILLMAR REV:  "What the world needs now is love, sweet love   It's the only thing that there's just too little of   What the world needs now is love, sweet love  No not just for some but for everyone!" 0;-)===JACK: know "pop" songs as well as Bible songs.  Next, you'll probably tell me that you know how to dance,  "What the world needs now" is a great song.  and it has sometimes been sung in church,,,at least, I can remember scheduling it for a Sunday to fit in with my sermon.  I also used the "pop" song, "Don;t worry, be happy!" 

FROM THE SHARK:   A,em to that.===JACK:  Do they ever shout out, AMEN, in the Chaldean worship service?===G:  No, they don't.

FROM HOMELESS:  Nothing's impossible.===JACK:    Nice selfies,,,Thanks!

FROM SR RD:  This is so honest, alluring and possible, dear Jack!  thank you.===JACK:  In a couple of days I'll be writing about the danger of "absolutes,"  Stay tooned.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  How wonderful to leave the world we live in where some things seem impossible, and enter God's world of prayer, with infinite possibilities and no "impossibles"!! Just  an aside,, Bill had the funeral of the writer of the song "Don't worry, Be happy" and they played it during her service,  He couldn't have been  niicer! She lived in Springfield and apparently had a Baptist background...JACK:  I'm impressed!!!  Bobby McFerrin is one of my favorites.  I seem to think that his father might have been a preacher.  (I'm too lazy to look it up).  I have a book that I like...Possibility Thinking.===OAKS:  OOPS  i HAVE TO CORRECT MY  COMMENT BILL HAD THE FUNERAL OF BOBBY McFERRIN'S MOTHER!! I DIDN'T READ OVER WHAT I'D WRITTEN, AND MISSED THAT I LEFT OUT "MOTHER" ON THE ASIDE!! :-( MY NOTE DIDN'T REALLY MAKE SENSE BECAUSE OF THAT! ===JACK:  Impressive, just the same.  Do you recall if Bobby was there?

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