Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 8/17/21

 “My idea of Heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it with.”  (Oprah)  I think that I recently had a glimpse of Heaven…no pearly gates, streets of gold…no faces…but a bright light that I’d never seen before.  Is that what He meant when Jesus said, “I am the light of the world?”  I don’t know, but I do know that Heaven is something I want to share with others.  If a baked potato comes with that, I’m all for it.  The truth is that the Bible promises life after death…and it will be good.  That’s all I need to know.  What’s your idea of Heaven?  ;-)  Jack

FROM SHARKLAR:  I think in heaven we will have white robes and wings and float around . Not sure what we will do everyday. 🤣===JACK:  I'd like to see Joseph in Heaven wearing his multi-colored dreamcoat...and maybe a housewife running around in a pink chenille housecoat.

FROM MAGPIE:  Good morning. I read another blog “Sean of the South” by Sean Dietrich. This morning he wrote about heaven also. His beloved mother-in-law died yesterday and his description was very comforting for those who are still grieving (like me). If you have time, Google it. It will bless you.  Grace and great joy!===JACK:  Your last word, JOY, is a reminder that Heaven turns tears of sadness into tears of joy.  

FROM DR JUDY:  Love how you wove it into your winning words!===JACK:  How do you describe the indescribable?===JUDY:  Welcome to my world. LOL You did great

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  would it be heaven w/o baked potatoes? 😇===JACK:  what would be your choice?

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Eyes have not seen nor ears heard what God has prepared for those who love Him…the little glimpses I have seen and the Word that has been told should cause one not to be one who would want to miss it! 0;-) ===JACK:  The description of a Thanksgiving meal cannot compare to the taste of the real thing.  I expect that of Heaven, too,

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  No worry, stress or negativity......just pure enveloping love.....and the opportunity to see my parents and tell them how much I loved them.===JACK:  "In my Father's house are many rooms,,,,"  What kind of a "room" would you choose for meeting your parents?  I'd like to meet mine on the front porch of 1818 - 13th Sr in Moline, Illinois.===RS:  I would like mine on the back patio of my current house so they could see all the flowers and landscaping ....they always like that.===JACK:  Maybe streets lined with flowers are more beautiful than streets paved with gold,===RS:  I would vote for that.  Gold may be precious (expensive), but nothing is more beautiful (in my opinion) than nature.===JACK:  What's the price of gold these days...in Heaven?===RS:  I’m sure everything is free.... for all.===JACK:  Heaven....a free-for-all?

FROM INDY GENIE:  Whoa….I’d like to hear more about the light that you saw.===JACK:  Face to face...or maybe voice to voice. 


FROM BONEFF IN MONTANA:  I, too, have experienced seeing a bright light - an orb that mysteriously came through the concrete wall of our basement where I was washing my dad's bedding just after he had died.  I felt I was being reassured everything was okay.  It stayed beside me for several minutes until I thought I'd better return to the company of my family upstairs.  I'll never forget the experience.===JACK:  Hmmm.  You've caused me to think that Heaven will not be the same for everyone...but in other ways, the same for  everyone.  In Handel's oratorio, Messiah, there 's a recitative, "Behold, I tell you a mystery."  In reality, Heaven is mysterious...as was your basement experience.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Oh my goodness, Jack! In reading your blog I discovered we lived on the same street! Ours was on the corner, 2041 -13th St! A big yellow stucco home, with a screened porch all across the front of the house....!  I wonder if Heaven might not be our Spiritual Condition, rather than a certain place; where we bond with other Spirits and God? I guess we'll know "even as we're known" when we arrive there!!===JACK:  I remember the big yellow stucco house, but did not know who lived there.  Actually, the house I wrote ofwas my uncle and aunt's, but my sister and I spent many times there - a 2nd home.  Have you ever sung the hymn, "Heaven Is My Home?"===OAKS:  No I don't believe I know that song! Thanks for the info about the house, I wonder if we ever passed each other and didn't realize it!===JACK:  You can YouTube the song.   It's an oldie, but a goodie....at least the thought.

FROM SALON SUZY:  Amen! Just passing through…🙏===JACK:  Do you know the song, "This world is not my home, I'm just-a passin' through?"  You can YouTube it.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Glad you recently saw the light.  You ARE the light as well.  I just read a book called “To Dare the Lord’s Prayer” and the author addressed heaven (of course) as it’s part of the prayer.===JACK:  It just popped into my mind...how we use "heaven" in exclamations...Heavens to Betsy...My Heavens...For Heaven's sake.  Can you think of others?===BB:  Heavens to Murgatroyd===JACK:  Snagglepuss would say it,





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