Tuesday, August 10, 2021

     Jack's Winning Words 8/10/21

“What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t invent with your mouth.”  (Yiddish

Proverb)  Many of my Jewish friends enjoy quoting Yiddish sayings.  Usually it’s to make a point…with a comic touch.  Today’s quote is a perfect example.  I’m told that Yiddish is a dying language, but I hope that translated proverbs like this one) live on.  In plain English: “Don’t make stuff up!”  Can you say it better?  ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN WB:  Love this!===JACK:  What's a saying that you remember from your childhood?===SF:  Some of them I wouldn’t repeat to you! Mostly my mom would swear at us in Yiddish! But my favorite is ‘Menchen truchts and Goot lachts.’ (Man plans and G-d laughs’) I use it all the time.===JACK:  Sometimes the truth is better in the "original" with the dialect.  

FROM HY YO SILVER:  Actually, studies show that Yiddish is very much on the rise. Many universities teach it!  Its popularity has grown over the last decade or two, reversing a trajectory over the last couple of generations.===JACK:  My sense is that Jewish comedians are unusually funny, because they grew up in homesw where humor was a staple.  I'm glad to hear that Yiddish continues to live on.

FROM SUPER G:  The world would be better if people took heed of this proverb.===JACK:  The world would be better if people took heed of this proverb.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Good one… the closest I can come to that is…. Words should be weighed, not counted.===JACK:  As a teacher, did you ever write moralisms on the chalkboard?  (In Yiddish?)===EP:  The last time I used a chalkboard teaching was 1993!   I was a principal at Roosevelt and the first renovation was removing all chalkboards and replacing with white boards in their place.   But Jewish Yiddish curses are the best!!!!...“You should grow like an onion with your head in the ground and your feet in the air”===JACK:  I think that classroom kids would like to learn curses.===EP:  Nope!  

FROM RD IN SJ: I surely cannot say it better, Jack! 😊===JACK:  Are there any Spanish quotes that are similar?===RD:  En el momento, no recuerdo tal tipo de proverbio, mi amigo!  Lo siento!===JACK:  If you say so, senorita!  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  GOOD ONE! Can't say it better, even tho  most of us like to embellish a good story as time goes on...at least the funny ones! ===JACK: At our house we have funny stories that we tell over and over again...and they still get laughs, because they really ARE funny.  Joan is putting some of them into a "computer book" that she is writing....IT'S ABOUT JACK. 


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