Monday, March 30, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  3/30/20
“Communities prosper and flourish in just the degree that they practice or neglect to practice the primary duties of justice and humanity.”  (William Seward)  It was called a Folly, when Seward (as Sec’y of State) arranged to buy Alaska from Russia at 2 cents an acre.  He was a smart man.  Look at his quote.  That’s the kind of politician that many of are looking for.  Seward was one of Lincoln’s closest advisers during the Civil War.  What a team!  ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  We stayed once at the William Seward Inn in NY....his home at one time.   Read a couple of great biographies of him.    He was a real fighter for Justice.===JACK:  It's unfortunate that "folly" is attached to his name, because most people don't bother to read "the rest of the story."

FROM DR J:  Amen! All sorts of silver linings in this too… I’m really enjoying my time at home with family. Kiki has been really good at discussing all of this… and she told me to tell you she’s studying christianity and other world religions online in her humanities class right now… she loves the story of Moses best.===JACK:  I like Moses, too...but I like the Jesus story best...where God chose to appear in human form to help us understands what it is to be human and to show us how humans are to act.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  He sounds like an interesting person to read about, which I have not done. Doris Kearns Goodwin covered some of his Lincoln interactions, in her book "A Team Of Rivals". There  is always something new to explore, and your WW words  have often been the catalyst for that!===JACK:  Interesting, isn't it...that rivals can also be a team?  I like the song..."People."

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  2 cents turned out to be a great deal. Andrew Mellon (later sec of Treasury) purchased  100's of acres of Pittsburgh with wheat. If the 1800's people trusted wheat more than money (it was far more fungible).  If we have a financial collapse, what will be more valuable? Paper assets with little to no backing, real estate, gold?  Ever notice a normal house rents for about what a normal person makes in one week?  It's hard to rent gold.===JACK:  Nobody seems to be talking about lowering the debt these day.  I thought that that was part of the GOP platform. ===JON:  I'm disappointed too. Like my song said, "The Right has no courage, the left has no shame."

FROM DAZ:   I There’s a good book which deals with Lincoln and his cabinet called Team of Rivals. Great story.===JACK:  Did teamwork decide the war?===DAZ   guess I’d have to say that after some adjustments in the cabinet many of them performed great service in their areas so they were a team but decide the war, maybe partly.

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