Monday, March 16, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  3/16/20
“Just when the caterpillar thought that the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.”  (Old Proverb)  It’s been a long time since I’ve sensed the fear that is gripping people.  I can’t recall church being cancelled, let alone March Madness.  For the last 2 or 3 months a song has captured my mind.  I keep singing softly: “Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you.”  Thinking of that song, could it be possible that, tho many are gripped by fear, we might eventually end up with something beautiful…like the butterfly?  ;-)  Jack  

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:    I love that saying!===JACK:  There is real beauty in nature.

FROM FDMF:  Jack, your positive thoughts and encouraging words are always appreciated. ===JACK:  You and your wife have talents that could be used fact, you probably ARE using them in some way.

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  I am hoping that our world will learn to step back, look around them and see what has been surrounding them that they have missed because they’ve been so caught up in their frenzied world.  Am amazed at how many are worried about what they will do during this “confinement”; what they will do to entertain their children or themselves when they can’t be out socializing with others. What will they do!  Maybe conversations amongst family members will happen; some will learn to volunteer their time to help someone else in need.  Love what Italy is doing with their evening music out their windows. On our news this morning a high school girl said she was willing to baby sit children of hospital workers so they could take care of the ‘home front’ needs. YES!  More of this would be great!  Hope we experience a lot more butterflies at the end of this!===JACK:  I read that the winter habitat for monarch butterflies has half the usual numbers.  I hope that that is not a precursor of things to come.  The more butterflies...the prettier the world will be.

FROM JE AT WLCSD:  I pray that we will end up with something beautiful. So many people want to help people now.  You are way ahead of your time with WW – you have been virtually helping, inspiring and uplifting people for so many years.===JACK:  When I was a child in Sunday School we used to sing..."Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light...You in your small corner, and I, in mine."

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Hopefully so....stories about people and restaurants providing meals for students who are missing school lunches, offers to shop for those in need.  God will take care of us and we need to take care of others.  We need strong measures right now to slow the spread.... short term pain, huge gain (life saving for some).   We can always recover financially.  I didn't witness it, but have read and seen footage of America coming together during WW2 for a common cause.  We did without because the payoff was worth it.===JACK:  NBC Evening News usually ends with a "feel good" story about something positive happening in America.  The stories are there...but often happening without fanfare.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Here's a chorus too that comes to mind along with yours-- 0;-)
Something beautiful, something good  All my confusion He understood
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife  But he made something beautiful of my life
 (Something Beautiful, Gloria Gaither, 1971)
===JACK:  There was once a pop song..."Say it with music."  Many of the Biblical truths are best said in a musical the one you mentioned....and another:  "I have a song that Jesus gave me.  It was sent from Heaven ab love."  

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I have been singing “Children of the Heavenly Father”.....reminds me of the old days when I always felt safe no matter what was going on in the outside world===JACK:  That is truly a butterfly song, especially when sung in Swedish.  Is it scheduled to be sung at your funeral?

FROM HY YO SILVER:  There is much beauty in all of this, I believe. I think people have the opportunity to connect better to their loved ones, themselves and Gd. Pastor, how are you doing?  Are you stocked up?  Do you need anything?===JACK:  The butterflies are there.  You just have to keep your eyes open to notice them as a they flutter by.  I am in Minnesota with my wife for another month...and wse are well supplied.  Thanks for asking.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Great one – I feel sorry for our politicians.  The public is deeply intrigued by the private, unfortunately, but…as mom used to say, “you’re known by what you do, not by what you say”. JACK:  I know that this response was meant for another WW, but it seems to fit for today, as well.===BB:  Nice!  I’ve been thinking “Be Still and Know That I am God” and “Bless the Lord my  soul”

FROM SB AT AG:  Thank you for continuing your “Winning Words,” Pastor Freed. Your on-line spiritual messages are especially appreciated during these times when worshipping in person as a congregation isn’t possible.===JACK:  Sometimes I need to be reminded that I write for more than just myself...500 readers - and growing.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It’s unfortunate isn’t it?  Fear takes over!  For me, I’m content with my quilting, scrapbooking and reading.  God IS in control.  Those of us believe know better things are coming!===JACK:  Do you know the song...His Eye Is On the Sparrow?  "Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,  Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,  When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."

FROM ER IN SKO:  That's a very nice and appropriate message for the masses. Thank you! Be sure that my mother reads it twice!===JACK:  I was writing it with you in mind....and me, too.  God always has a message for us personally.  Sometimes that's comforting...Sometimes, scary.

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