Thursday, March 19, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  3/19/20
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito in the room.”  (Dali Lama)  Ogden Nash wrote, ‘God made the fly and forgot to tell us why.”  Nash  probably used “fly”, because he couldn’t find a rhyme for mosquito.  But, just as God has a purpose for each of us, he has a purpose for that pesky “night” insect.  The mosquito provides food for wildlife and also helps pollinate flowers.  Everyone has a reason for being.  ;-)  Jack

FROM BB IN CHGO:  GREAT quote.  Thank you so much for the smiles and the insights. ===JACK:  I'm one who cannot sleep with a mosquito (or elephant) in the room.

FROM CZB:  “God made the mosquito, not so neat-o”    Ogden Nash’s home is two doors down from mine. And he used to write in a barn that was next door on the other side of our house. Neat-o!
===JACK:  I wonder if he'd be able to rhyme coronavirus?  
A mighty creature is the germ, 
Though smaller than the pachyderm. 
His customary dwelling place 
Is deep within the human race. 
His childish pride he often pleases 
By giving people strange diseases. 
Do you, my popet, feel infirm? 
You probably contain a germ. 

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  One thing I love about Winter mosquitos!  But, they do feed our bats, frogs, toads and birds around our pond.  Just as long as they stay by the pond! 

FROM THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  When I used to commute to work from West Bloomfield, I sometimes
listened to the French CBC station in Windsor to keep up my French, and (finally getting to my point today) the latter sometimes played a popular ditty
called "Ne me moleste, Mosquito".===JACK:  Since you also listened to Cairo radio, what was the Arabic version?

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