Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  3/31/20
“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”  (John Donne)  Another line from this poem…”Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.  In my 1st congregation M.D., our custodian, would toll the church bell at the end of a funeral (gong…gong…gong…etc).  A haunting reminder that the bell eventually tolls for each of us. Sometimes we forget our interconnectedness as people on earth.  We’re all relatives   ;-)  Jack 

FROM ST PAUL:  if that is true,  then you can be my brother and i would be honored. ===JACK:  Yes, it is true, and you are welcome to be my brother, and I'll also let you have the closest seat to Jesus.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I ,too, remember church bells pealing at the close of a church funeral, back in the day. It seemed a very solemn sound.  I'm re-reading AND THE ANGELS WERE SILENT by Max Lucado during Lent, and he stresses the reality of death, and how we are all connected to everyone who has ever lived.  Good thought for the day!===JACK:  "It tolls for thee!" seems to get louder as the birthdays pass by.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Reich’s book on Genetics....Who We Are and How We Got Here ....certainly is a lesson on our intercooectedness....great read===JACK:  All of the "old" books were once "new" books.  Always be ready to read and to learn.

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