Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  3/11/20
“Keep learning.  Read…a lot.  Listen thoughtfully.  Investigate, explore, ask questions, walk, turn over rocks, observe, try new things.  Reflect on new ideas and discoveries.  Keep your mind open.”  (Sandi Faber)  Sandi has written a book for her grandchildren…beliefs and ideals that have guided my life, with the hope that her readers will be influenced by them.  I liked what she wrote on one page: “Be brave.  Stand tall for what is right.”  Who has been a guide for you?  ;-)  Jack 

FROM SANDI:  Oh my! I thought those words were sounding familiar… LOL! Thank you so much for the kind acknowledgment. It means a lot to me!===JACK:  The book turned out well.  Many more ideas, besides the ones I referred to.

FROM CH IN SC:  Along the same theme,I like this line from the poem “Desiderata”...’Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.’  Peace ===JACK:  i've known the word, desiderata, but not the definition.  "something wanted, needed or desired"  It makes sense.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Nothing is more certain in life than change! Just enjoy and accept it!===JACK:  There's a hymn..."Change and decay in all around, I see..O Thou who changest not, abide with me. ===SHIRL:  I saw the second robin in my backyard today! Spring is here!===JACK:  I've yet to see one, but I live closer to the North Pole than you dfo.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  You!===JACK:  I'm just a friend.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We should try to learn something new every day!  It seems like something new pops up and I shake my head saying...I never knew that!.

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