Monday, March 23, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  3/23/20
“I think of my life as vintage wine…It poured sweet and clear.  It was a very good year.”  (Frank Sinatra song)  As you think back on the recent past, has it been a very good year?  I guess it depends.  Pandemic virus, tanking stock mkt, continuing Afghan War.  On the plus side: Lots of people helping people, youth-led climate change rallies, steps made toward cure for autism.  It’s strange how a song can get us thinking.  This past year?  Vintage wine or sour grapes?  ;-)   Jack

FROM ST RITA IN TN:  Good morning, Pastor Freed!  Just a note this morning from us in Tennessee to let you know how much we appreciate reading your WW each morning - Thank you. In these times, it is calming to know that there will be words that are encouraging and supportive to look forward to each day.  You continue to shepherd a diverse flock.===JACK:  It seems that Winning Words occupy much of my much to say.  But I do have time to recall past experiences that have influenced me...such as your daily stops at the chapel before you began your nursing duties.

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