Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  3/3/20
“Making one person smile can change the world, maybe not the whole world, but their world.”  (Unknown)  A special day in March is the 17th, St Patrick’s Day, but did you know that today, March 3, is I Want To Make You Happy Day?  What would make you happy today?  Is there something I can do, or say?  Bobby McFerrin sang, “Don’t worry, be happy.”  Taking away worries would make most of us happy.  You, acknowledging our friendship, would make me happy.  ;-)  Jack

FROM THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  You make us a little happier five times a week!===JACK:  You're on your own for the other two days.

FROM THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  Fortunately, Hannelore helps me seven days a week ===JACK:  I remember a man who never referred to his wife by her name.  She was al;ways, "The wife."  You have a good very good one! 

FROM DR J:  You’ve got a friend in me!===JACK:  Thanks for the assurance!

FROM HY YO SILVER:  This will go down as one of my favorite all-time Winning Words!===JACK:  WOW!  Now, that's saying something...just like the Tigers who won the World Series...wire to wire.  What year was that?

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