Thursday, October 20, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 10/20/22

“The more I learn, the less I realize I know.”  (Socrates)  These words are also attributed to Albert Einstein, Tony Bennett and Sgt Schultz (Schultz’s translation - without the accent: “I know nothing.”) Socrates was likely the first to say that learning is an ongoing process.  I’m proud of my college and seminary degrees, but there’s so much more to an education.  It’s a never-ending process.  A friend is now teaching me how to listen to a podcast.  I remember how to use a floppy disc.  Beware of those people who have all the answers about God, too.  It’s as one of my professors said about that: “You can’t unscrew the inscrutable.”  What more would you like to learn?  ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Whatever happened to floppy discs?===JACK:  Just the fate for each of us....we are not irreplaceable.  We rest in a cemetery.  They rest in a museum.

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  🌻When someone shows you who they are, believe them:  the first time!”  (Maya Angelou)  Sooooooo true!===JACK:  Soooo Teri! ===T: You made me smile.  You are such an amazing person even if I hardly know you!  Here’s my latest quote I’ve been reflecting upon about life:  
🌻"Nothing always stays the same. You don’t stay happy forever; you don’t stay sad forever.  (Cat Zingano)===JACK:  I know ot Cat Stevens and Krazy Kat, but I'll have to Google Zingao.  And, I know enough about you through others, through our conversations, through being aware of your work as school principal...and knowing that Ledge liked you.  Any friend of Ledge's is a friend of mine (usually).===T:  I never hear of Zingamo, but loved how he captured the Life Idea.  Ledge meant so much to me…yes, was a friend but also a mentor.  His death was difficult.  I still miss him.  I still quote him.  I am still inspired by him.  Yes, I know you the same way…Ledge, Paul and more people that have said amazing things about you.  We seem to respect one another without even knowing the details of one another’s life.  I wanted to “change the world.”  You had a quote about that a while back.  I was sad about not accomplishing that.  Then my husband, Ron, told me he had watched/heard me and said….”you have changed the world…by influencing/changing one person at a time.”  Most of my efforts have been with kids.  If you like, tell me about what have driven you in your life.===JACK:  First of all, Cat is a she and is a Mixed Martial Arts champion.  I, too, like her quote.  Secondly, we each have a reputation that follows us.  Like it, or not, you have set a high bar for a successful middle school principal.  Thirdly, Ledge was "One of a kind."  Only a few people "really" knew him, and you were one of those. 4thly, as for me... I choose to be a private person.  My life was changed when I contracted polio at age 16.  Looking back, that influenced my thinking that the bad can turn into the good if you look for it (in many ways).  I am proud of the fact that I never got an A in any course during college and seminary...and I am proud that I worked 20 hours a week during those years.  I'm getting too personal, so I think I'll quit writing.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Love the saying about the inscrutable!!===JACK:  He also said: "You can't find God at the end of a logical syllogism."  I learned a lot from him about the philosophy of religion.

FROM DR K:  This is so true. As a child of God, it’s important to always be willing and open to learn more. You can’t teach the unteachable and a “know it’s all” is certainly unteachable. I recall about 7 years ago, my former boss shared with me to never get comfortable because that’s when you stop growing. I love to learn and I love to surround myself around lifelong learners and “smart” people .  
Have a great day===JACK:  I always felt uncomfortable around a pedant.  As I age I feel that I am still in the learning process and have yet to receive my final diploma. 

FROM SR RD:  .to experience greater intimacy with our Lord   . . .to play a violin  . . . to love more deeply===JACK:  Mmmmmm.  Learning to play the violin might be the hardest for me.  Intimacy and love are already feelings that I've experienced, and, in the process of deepening, they are never fulfilled. ===RD:  You are right, dear Jack!  thanks for your response : always  differentiating, of course!===JACK:  Looking forward to hearing you play the violin in December.  Maybe Silent Night.

 FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  I would like to know more about my computer!===JACK:  I can usually call my son when I have a computer problem.  That's the way it works with God, too.  I can usually call Him when life presents me with difficult situations.

FROM CPA MIKE:  Do you want to be right or do you want to learn something?" Jordan Peterson.   I look at this as advice to those who are too biased and or too stubborn to learn anew.   I also think in terms of those we could or should learn from  Who might eventually stop "casting their pearls."===JACK:  "Learning" involves a capable and trustworthy teacher.  While there is such a thing as negative-learning from mistakes and incompetent teachers, I'd much rather learn in a positive way.  I learn by observing, too, and making judgments.  That's why I like to read history, too.  It puts things into perspective..===M:    I totally agree. My  point is that learning comes hard for those who have preconditions. We need to eliminate biases and our  egos to absorb  what education offers. Lessons do  not have to be delivered by a college professor we learn from anyone if we truly listen and hold our thoughts until we absorb and understand that which is conveyed.===JACK:  So many variables: our personal desires; which professor we have; the chosen school (or no school).  You could have become a pastor and I a CPA, but we are what we are by choice.



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