Monday, October 10, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 10/10/22
“We do the best we can until we can do better.”  (Helen Koester)  Helen is the mother of a friend of Katie’s - and Katie is a friend of mine.  One of the ways in which I accumulate Winning Words is with the help of friends.  It’s a challenge to make the next Winning Words better than the last, but it helps that I feel the presence of God looking over my shoulder.  There’s a song: “My God and I.”  When you are facing a challenge (whatever that might be, imagine), My God and I - Together, we can handle most problems that appear before us.  Together, My God and I can do better. There’s nothing better than to have  God as your dependable friend.  Am I right? or, am I right?  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL:  you are right!!===JACK:  I'm not perfect, but each time I strive to be better.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  You are right about the necessity of the presence of God!

There was a retired pastor who drove from Baltimore to Arlington, VA to do "supply" at Faith Lutheran when I was a kid.  That had to be a rigorous journey in the late '40s, when it was difficult to find a new pastor in the post-WW2 era.  He would stand on the chancel steps and talk to the children (me!) and often said, "Do your best; angels can do no better!"  That has encouraged me through many, many moments of my life!  I remain grateful to Dr. Wolfe these many years later!!===JACK:  I hope that someone can remember you (or me) in the same way.  Prang Crayons used to have the picture of a geyser on the front of the box and the words, "Old Faithful."  Could they have been referring to you?===JAN:  I don't think so.  I just so much needed those words of encouragement and I think they've stuck with me for at least seven decades because they were important to remember.  Otherwise I have a memory like a steel . . . sieve! ===JACK: God will be the Judge.  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  You are 👍 right! ;-)===JACK:  I try to be around the bullseye.

FROM RAACH:  I love it too!

FROM SR RD:  Oh, you are right, Jack!  You are so right! and it shows. . .every day I read your Winning Words! 🙂===JACK:  I try!

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  You re right!

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