Monday, September 19, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 9/19/22

“Aren’t there any grownups at all?”  (William Golding)  This quote is from Lord of the Flies, and describes a time when some boys discover that they are on an island with no adults.  It has caused me to think back to the importance of grownups in my life…my parents, my Aunt Nell and Uncle John, my high school chemistry teacher, I.B., Mrs T, Hjalmer and many others.  I am not “self-made,” nor are any of us.  Who have been the grownups in your life?  We live in a world beset by many problems.  Who is to be the adult, the one who shows the way?  The Lord of the Flies is real life!  ;-)  Jack

FROM KW IN MI:  Hope all is well with you.  I have a delightful quote from Helen Koester   “We do the best we can until we can do better.”===JACK: That's a good one....and it goes into my file.  Thanks 

FROM SR RD:  The Rule of Benedict, my parents, Sisters Mary Minette, Margretta, Myron. .===JACK:  I have learned much from you, too.   

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  .I never embraced the self-made label. When we describe ourselves as “self-made” there is no one else to share in our deficiencies and fallible habits. While greatly improved by others surely we pick up a few bad traits along the way. To a great extent perhaps we are mostly products of our environment. ===JACK:  To some extent, I agree with you...but when compaing you to others that I know, you are "self-made" more than they are.  If you don't care for self-made, I'll simply cal you, IMPRESSIVE.

FROM INDY GENIE:  My mom and dad, my 5th grade teacher,  Miss Dryskowski and my friend and pastor, Pastor Freed. (I think you might know him:)===JACK:  ...and you had a mind like a sponge, too.



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