Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words  1/23/19  (9/20/22)
“We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, ‘Why did this happen to me?’ unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way.”  (Unknown)  I saw a picture of a man banging his head on a table with the caption, “Why me?”  There’s a book, When Bad Things Happen To Good People.  I’d venture to say that more good things, rather than bad, happen to us in our lifetime.  Count your blessings and see if that isn’t true.   ;-)  Jack

FROM MAGGIE:  Thank you, Jack, for today’s reminder. Today we will lay to rest my mom’s, Eileen’s, last sibling. As we gathered yesterday and then again today, I’m deeply grateful for my mother’s large family and all the cousins that I still have. God bless you, my friend.===JACK:  Funerals are usually a time when we look back and "see" what time has accomplished.  It's a good occasion, even today6, to see how God has affected our lives.

FROM SR RD:  It is true, indeed, dear Jack!!!! Uncountable blessings! ===JACK:  Whether we realize it, or not, there is ONE who is looking over us===RD:  .Oh, I don't even need to count my blessings; they are continuous, Jack!===JACK:  Yes, impossible to count our blessings.  They are beyond numbering.

FROM ST PAUL:  here is another take on this matter.  why do bad things happen to anyone,  good or bad, or ugly?:):)      i liked what you had to say here.  it's going into one of my many files:):)===JACK:  It reminds me of the Hoffland song: "H's got His eye on you (Paul H), He's got His eye on you!

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  A thought-provoking WW to reflect upon.  In my opinion, and experience, when a person has lived long enough to experience the “reversals” and actually the conversions in one’s own life and even in the lives of others who have been antagonists, really a person can believe the arc bends towards justice (I think that’s the famous modern proverb) and feel pretty blessed and content with the life journey one has been dealt from God, our Creator.  Love, faith and hope carries the day, as far as I can see anyway.  Have a great day,===JACK:  This is another example that we are reading from the same book, the same chapter and the same page.

FROM THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  That was the book that helped me the most. We have given a number of copies to newly bereaved parents over the years===JACK:  I'm sure that you've read it yourself...probably more than once.  I haven't forgotten.


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