Monday, November 15, 2021


 Jack’s Winning Words 11/15/21
“The thing about chameleoning your way through life is that it gets to where nothing is real.” (John Green) 
Have you ever wanted to be like a chameleon, to blend into the background?  I remember a time in college asked for a synopsis of an assigned reading.  I’m sure that many of us wanted to be invisible.  “Let it be someone else.  Don’t call on me.”  I’ve read that chameleons sometimes change color to “blend” in.  Writer Green observes that humans are often like these lizards, wanting to just blend in.  Being up-to-date in “fashion” is just one example; and thinking as others think is another.  By continually “chameleoning”  we become human robots, giving our mind over to the control of others.   “Don’t let others manipulate your mind!” is good advice.  ;-)  Jack

FROM THE SCIENTIST:  As a recovering wall flower, I’ve learned that things can be more enjoyable when I jump in but it’s a little easier when I feel an overlap with the folks in the room, which can take a little chameleon-ing. The challenge is to keep “me” there and to know when to assert my reality.===JACK:  When is it that we "join" the adult group.  Perhaps nit's a series of steps...confirmation?..first date alone?..going off to college?..marriage?..first child?.===S:  Seems the same as joining any group, when you are recognized or respected by that group. But I've not found that there is one adult group. It's a collection of them and recognition for entry differs.===JACK:  To your parents, you and your sister will always be known as "the kids." ===S:  And my sister will always be "my kid sister" ... never mind we are middle-aged professionals with kids of our own. ha!===JACK:  I have a "kid sister," too.  She loved it when she heard others refer to me as Nancy's brother.  It was always, Jack's sister. ===JACK:  There's magic in that MD.  I know of ministers who change from "pastor" to "doctor" when they get a degree, even if it's one purchased on the internet.  "Blessed are those who are who they are, and are satisfied with that. 


FROM WILLMAR REV:  I agree, with the exception for One—“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8 ESV). Enjoy our brand-new week, Jack, never been lived in before!! 0;-)===JACK:  It's one thing to THINK a thought.  It's something else to put it into action (if it's a good thought.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Today’s WW lead to much to reflect upon.  In my own perspective, what I enjoy about the New Testament and maybe this actually has its roots or something in the Hebrew Scriptures is that part where believers are called to different functions.  It occurs to me, now reflecting, that being a leader—teacher, prophet, all those sorts of functions are very hard sometimes if the person is feeling called by God to go against the grain of current culture; but also being a follower, disciple, can be very hard sometimes too because—if the leader is off the mark—that can lead to inauthenticity too.  I don’t consider myself a leader because don’t feel God designates me as such—the one call on me at the church was when the pastor asked me to come with him to a CROPWALK organizational meeting which led me to considerable involvement, but was never approached about the council or any teaching VBS or anything.  But do consider myself a disciple and have sometimes found myself in the position where it’s wisest—in my discernment anyway—to restrain myself from speaking out, simply because I have a strong belief in whatever position I am taking, in the Work of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s Supper in the congregation, and frankly don’t want to be bullied out of the congregation which I have seen happen.  Probably that can look like chameleon behavior but it is just weighing the spiritual integrity of waiting on God for the solution to some problem and not acting on my own limited human understanding and wisdom.  Feel like things are just different in the spiritual realm from the worldly realm and the objective is to work out the authority part of the puzzle but it ain’t always easy.  Maybe all this has to do with that part of entering through the narrow gate and living out of sacrificial love—of God, of neighbor, of self even?  Anyway, the WW today are very thought-provoking, Pastor Freed.  Thank you for putting them out to us readers.===JACK:  I was going to edit your response for brevity, but the more I read,  I decided that blog readers needed to see what you wrote.  As for being a chameleon at church, there are times when that's best.  But, it's like Kenny Rogers sings in The Gambler, "You've got to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em."  I was inspired to have been  your (interim) pastor for a while.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  neither of us could be accused of that... 🍸 ===JACK:  I know that, for sure, about you.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'm afraid that Jan and I got used to "standing out" from the time we were young!   And we enjoyed it! HA!  But  probably that is NOT the norm!===JACK:  Some people gain self-confidence at an earlier age than other.  Having a twin to back you up probably (and you public singing/acting) contributed to you sense of self-assurance.===OAKS:  So true.===JACK:  Having teachers who believe in you and encourage you helps a lot, too.

FROM SR IN SJ:  I needed this advice today, my friend!===JACK:  Let's see what Winning Words can do for you tomorrow.

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