Tuesday, November 23, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 11/23/21

“I’m always sorry when pleasant things end.  Something still pleasanter may come after, but you never can be sure.”  (L M Montgomery)  As a teen I used to get a thrill by riding a roller coaster called, the Blue Streak.  I’ve moved on to being thrilled by watching Formula 1 car races on TV.  Even more thrilling was the opportunity to baptize my first great-grandchild.  It’s strange how our “pleasures” can change.  What has been your pleasure-journey through life?   Life itself is enough of a roller coaster for some people.  Whee…here comes tomorrow!  ;-)  Jack 

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Thought-provoking WW again this morning, especially when placed together with your experience of having opportunity of baptizing your first great-grandchild.  I can relate to those kinds of thrills—the unexpected surprise and awe at my deeply needed encounter with Jesus, the gratitude then when PK baptized my 10 year old daughter, the experience of having two friends ask me to be God-mother to their sons—being thrilled to witness their baptisms and be involved with their lives over the years; but especially learning this past year that my daughter and son-in-law and another couple they are close to are intending to baptize their children.  It’s really great that you’re having such a long life, Pastor Freed, that you’re continuing to baptize people—that’s awesome!!! ===JACK:  Awesome is where we find it...in church, in school, on the street and in our own homes.  God is awesome; God is everywhere!

FROM K L LM:  Happy thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing your winning words. I really enjoy getting them===JACK:  I appreciate hearing from you.  I hope that the pandeminic has avoided you. ===K:  Hi, We have been lucky so far with not getting Covid. Limiting where we go and getting vaccinated. We are mask wearers. Hope you are doing well too with not getting Covid. I am so ready for this to be over but think this could be a part of our life style for some time. I love to be outdoors so that is helpful.===JACK:  We, too, have avoided the big C by being mask wearers (most of the time), using hand sanitizers and getting the Moderna shots.  I've given up trying to "reason" with the "anti-vaxers."  It will take time to see the value of the pandemic, but I believe that there is good in every bad, if you have the patience to look for it.  Have a nice Thanksgiving.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:   Great times and trips with family and friends! So thankful for all I've enjoyed in that sector of my life! Also thankful my family will be gathering here on Thanksgiving Day!! Turkey and ham balls here we come!! 😘===JACK:  How many do you plan on this year?  What's the most you've had in the past?  I don'y know anyone who have a bigger family table than you do.

FROM HOMELESS:  Ok. Now I have to quote Mr. Pastor John Freed!! "Whee....here comes tomorrow!"===JACK:  Just tag it: (Anon)

FROM JC AT THE LAKE:  Kya says hi!===JACK:  She's the ONLY Great-Grand=Child that I've ever baptized.

FROM SR IN SJ:  Ah! How delightful!  Can you hear me giggle a bit, Jack?  and i'm still smiling. . ."Whee, here comes tomorrow!" That's going to be my mantra for awhile, I think!!  Thank you,===JACK:  The "Whee" tagline was just something that popped into mind as I was finishing my writing.  I believe in such a thing as inspiration (the work of the Holy Spirit).===SR:  (For Thanksgiving)  we get to sleep later; we pray together, then celebrate the Eucharist and enjoy wine with  a festive dinner on table cloths sent from Spain.  Probably a nap or some sisters are invited to their birth family homes for a second dinner, others play cards, read, enjoy one another, express gratitude, I suppose, and happy memories!  Whee! here comes tomorrow! for you and for all of us. . .===JACK:  I always wondered what you ladies did for fun.

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