Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 10/27/20

“While disease is a mugger, age is a cat burglar who steals but a single day each night, and the thief has learned patience.” (Madeline Albright)  I wish that I could write in Madeline’s descriptive way.  One of the elements of this writing is to get the reader to use their imagination.  While I was no Madeline, I enjoyed writing essays.  “Cat burglar” is certainly a descriptive term.  In the Bible, the story of Daniel in the lion’s den fascinates me.  What catches your attention?  ;-)  Jack  

FROM SF IN FL:  Awesome statement. I love steeping my mind in good writing!!!! When I can’t put a book down, I am in (one of) my happy places!!!===JACK:  Words can be similar to bricks that are used to construct a building.  A beautiful house or a beautiful story?  Madeline knows how to use words.

FROM WILLMAR REV: Remembering Sunday School, the paper cut outs of Biblical characters pasted upright in the shoebox and looking through the hole cut out at the very of the box while the teacher told the story!! I can still imagine most every Old Testament story that was made alive by the Sunday School teacher!! 0;-)===JACK:  I, too, learned Bible stories through pictures.  Every Week, in Sunday School, we received a leaflet with a picture on the front.  I especially remember the one with Daniel facing the lion in his den.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Certainly descriptive! I'm not all that conversant with her writing, unfortunately! I was so impressed with Jesus feeding the 5,000, with a few loaves and fish! And to have 12 baskets left over! WOW! Also when very small,,  the story of Noah and the Ark! : - )===JACK:  The more I read of her writings, the more I'm impressed by her.  She was a masterful Secretary of State for our country.

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