Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 3/6/19
“Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”  (Genesis 3:19)  As someone got on the elevator, one of the riders said, “You’ve got some dirt on your forehead; let me wipe it off.”  It was Ash Wednesday, and the “dirt” was ashes put on the person’s head by a priest as a reminder that, “as we live, we shall also eventually die.”  We need to be reminded that there is a finiteness to life…that we are to make the best use of the time that is ours.   ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  My pastor son Fred quoted that same passage today, as we remembered Bill's 92nd He reminded us, too of a poem his dad once used in his sermon and which he has since used. It's pretty memorable!
There are many men who creep into this world to eat and sleep,  And know no reason why they're born Save only to consume the corn  Devour the cattle, bread and fish and leave behind an empty dish.  And if their tombstone when they die were not to flatter or to lie,  The best thing then, which could be said is that they've eaten up their bread, drank up their drink, and gone to bed. :-(
Hopefully we can spend our lives for Something that  will change the world a little bit!  As John Pavlovitz wrote (Hope and Other Superpowers:  A life-affirming, Love-defending, Butt-kicking, World-Saving   Manifesto) "At the end of our time here, the world will either be more, or less kind, compassionate, generous, funny, creative, and loving because of your presence in it---And YOU get to choose!" Good thought to keep in mind!===JACK:  Some pastors (related to you) have been able to paint beautiful pictures with words.:

FROM OP MV:  I went to church this morning, got the ashes and the same message.===JACK:  Did anyone comment on the ashes?  Did you see them on other people?===MV:  No comments. I saw them on several others.

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