Thursday, March 14, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 3/14/19
“To begin, begin within.”  (William Wordsworth)  I wonder who first came up with the terms, inner self and outer self?  As I understand it, what we are inside determines the outside we show to others.  It’s the inner self that causes the outer self to get things done.  Perhaps you’re facing a dilemma…what to do, or what to say.  Listen to that voice inside.  Conscience?  A little boy’s stomach gurgled.  “I think God’s talking to me.”   Has your stomach gurgled lately?   ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN FLA:  That reminds me of what my girlfriend, who is a social worker says to me: “Girl, you’ve got to find your inner bitch!” Funny. I have found my voice over the years...hope it’s not my ‘bitch!’ Haha! It’s a relief to express my views when appropriate! I was very quiet for a very long time!===JACK:  You have a very wise girlfriend.  It's good to be bitchy without being bitchy.  Isn't it fun to be with someone when you don't have to wear a mask?

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Neat turn of phrase. Our inner conscience usually guides pretty strongly, if we follow it. But there are times we don't use good judgment, which brings regrets. As the plaque I saw says, "There are four things you can't recover: The Stone after the throw; The Word after it's said; The Occasion after it is missed; The Time after it's gone." Good to remember!===JACK:  Intuition or "gut feeling" are other good expressions.

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