Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 3/13/19
“Don’t confuse being soft with seeing the other guy’s point of view.”  (George H.W. Bush)  Love him, or not, “H.W.” knew how politics works.  You can’t get your way all of the time.  “Give a little, take a little.”  It’s called compromise.  If you think you’re right, it’s hard to give, even a little.  But it doesn’t hurt to try and see things from a different perspective.  I don’t know much about Henry Clay as a legislator, but I admire that he was called, The Great Compromiser.   ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN FLA:  ‘If you have to choose between being right and being kind, choose kindness. Kindness is always right’.===JACK:  You're right!...and you're kind, too.  Perfect!

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  Yeah!  I’m back in the circle again! 
I agree that many of our today’s politicians can’t even try to see another person’s point of view…and I’m beginning to see some non-political people leaning that way also.  We can’t all be right all the time.  Marriage is one BIG compromise.  Wonder if that is a big reason why so many don’t last these days.  Have an exploring day!===JACK:  You hit the nail on the head,, as the saying goes.

FROM ST PAUL IN MESA:  if i recall,  he was also a staunch defender of slavery leading up to the Civil War. ===JACK:  While slavery was a significant issue, I think that the underlying issue was state's rights. When there are multiple sides to an issue, whatever  it is, compromisers are needed.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  As Alan Simpson (former U.S. Sen.) said in the Boston Globe: "Those who take the high road of humility in Washington DC are not bothered by heavy traffic."  Our country is in such a Quagmire, that compromise is a dirty word!  Good manners and kindness will always be the mark of a decent human being. And often the "opposition" might have a valid point, if
we listen hard enough!===JACK:  It's not just in's in religion, too...and in family situations, also.  Learning and practicing compromise is not always an easy lesson.  Each of us has to work at it.===OAKS:  That reminds me of an incident when we were first married. I said that I'd always heard the 1st;year of marriage was difficult; so many adjustments and compromises had to
be made....I hadn't noticed it was that hard....Bill slyly suggested that maybe that was because I hadn't made most of the adjustments! :-)  OOPS!===JACK:  Thanks for the advice.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Mother was a republican- she worked for them and Dad was a Democrat-a strong union man! They were marrried for almost 73 years. So it definitely czar work to compromise! ===JACK:  I think that it would be more of a strain these days.  The Trump Divide is like nothing I've seen before.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Oh how we need compromise!  So many needed issues could be worked on and perhaps even fixed!!!===JACK:  I'm usually optimistic, but I've learned that there are limits.  Right now, I'm depending on God to bring  about judgment.

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  Read about the Missouri comprise===JACK:  Yes, Henry had feet of clay, but I admire anyone who seeks to help people understand one another and work for a common good.===HOWIE:  Hahahahaha good pun.  I agree that he did his best at  compromising and maintaining A common good.  The problem through arises when something so repugnant and evil such as slavery exists, compromise seems in itself morally bankrupt. It’s a difficult decision to know when to compromise and when to stay firm in your position Most always compromise will work. But there are times that it just won’t===JACK:  When people refuse to compromise, this can lead to conciliatory divorce, or to war.  While slavery appeared to be the issue, states rights was the real issue...and it's an underlying issue, still!  Too much guvermint!.

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  I agree that many of our today’s politicians can’t even try to see another person’s point of view…and I’m beginning to see some non-political people leaning that way also.  We can’t all be right all the time.  Marriage is one BIG compromise.  Wonder if that is a big reason why so many don’t last these days.  Have an exploring day!===JACK:   The Boomers (born: 1946-1964) have been called the "Me Generation."  Narcissism (it's all about ME!)  DJT was born in 1946.  Should we be surprised?  But, there are exceptions to generalities.

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