Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 3/12/19
“Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune.”  (Thomas Fuller)  Do you get the irony?  Bacchus was the Roman God of wine and Neptune, the God of water.  Alcoholism is no laughing matter.  Ask someone who’s lived with it.  In fact, substance abuse of any kind can be a real home wrecker and job destroyer.  Most communities have available help…AA or NA meetings.  There’s help, too, for those living with the abuser.  Is today the day to decide?   ;-)  Jack

FROM JB IN OLV:  As a daughter of an alcoholic mother.  The damage alcohol does not only to the drinker but to everybody around them is beyond description.  I pray that you post will move a reader that might be on the fence about getting help-to take action and attend a meeting.===JACK:  Alcoholism in my family, too.  Not fun!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Seeing the look on his mother's face when his brother came home tipsy (A Sr. in H.S.), Bill vowed never to be responsible for doing that to her...he was a teetotaler and often took the brunt of jokes because of it in the service, and college, but  he was also respected for it.
His experience in the ministry validated that decision, when  he dealt with family situations concerning alcohol. So much  misery caused by its misuse, or overuse!   When our sons would question why one beer would matter, his reply was, "I've seen so much misery caused by the use of alcohol, I wouldn't support it with one nickel of my money."  We enjoyed a great life without imbibing...  Bacchus has drowned a great many unfortunately. A clever warning in WW today. ===JACK:  I wonder what is the tipping point between social drinking and becoming an alcoholic?  I don't want to test it...so I'll take some 7-UP.  BTW, 7-UP was first marketed as seven ounces compared to ONLY 6 ounces for Coca Cola.  Pepsi Cola came on the market offering "12 full ounces,,,twice as much for a nickle, too."

FROM ST PAUL IN MESA:  Jack,  will forward a piece from Concordia College.  Scroll down for an interesting article about Coya Knutson.  A CC grad and the first women from MN to be elected to Congress.  Her hubby was a raging alcoholic but it was not made public until much later.  a good read....."Although Knutson desired to start a family, she suffered two miscarriages and was unable to conceive thereafter.  She hoped that having a child in her home would ease the tension in her marriage and turned towards adoption.  Her husband, Andy, was against the idea initially, but begrudgingly relented, and Knutson brought home seven-year-old Terrence “Terry” in 1948.  Upon their arrival in Oklee, Andy drunkenly regarded the young boy with an unwelcome statement: “Go back where you came from - we don’t want you around here.”  Although Knutson was disappointed with her husband’s reception of their new son, she promptly accepted that raising Terry would be her own responsibility - one she took on willingly and wholeheartedly."===JACK:  Many tears, I'm sure!

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