Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 8/23/07
“Some people like advice so much that they frame it and hang it on the wall.”
(Gordon Dickson) Do you save the daily Winning Words in a file, or do you really try to apply them in the every day scheme of things? If you’re like me…Oh well, let’s change the subject. ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I definitely think about them during the day and try to apply them when possible. They make you think and ponder. Another wonderful word....ponder. I think I will ponder on those words today! I really can't imagine too many people like advice though.

FROM D.R. IN MICHIGAN: I actually do both. I think about them often. However, some I print out and hang on my wall. These are the ones that either really speak to me or the ones I feel I need to be reminded of more then once. Either way I thank you for the daily inspiration. God has often used you and your winning words to communicate with me. Thank you for being a blessing.

FROM EMT SINGS: I have printed many WW and shared with others or simply forwarded them on to peope who I thought they were pertinent for. So far I have not framed any but that is a thought!

FROM B.W. ON THE WEST COAST: I'm sure everyone on your mailing list look forward from day to day for what the addition will be. I know I certainly do.

FROM D.L. OUT WEST: Hi, Jack - Yes, saving your Winning Words is periodically done. It's a great resource for my Toastmasterswork! Beyond that I have daily inspiration from your well chosen items. Joy and Peace,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find myself reflecting on your Winning Words throughout the day, Pastor Freed, and think the advice impacts often on many of my decisions, maybe even giving me a boost to actually make a decision, carry out an act trying to serve God and be helpful to my fellow man/woman/child. I find your Winning Words encouraging. So thanks!!!!