Thursday, January 23, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 1/23/20
“Do what you love, and love what you do; leave the world a better place, and don’t pick your nose.”  (Jeff Mallett)  Well, it’s true for me!  I love what I do…being a pastor and a creative writer.  Whether or not the world is a better place because of me (or you) is for others to decide.  I’m a daily user of Yahoo, but didn’t know that Mallett was “the Wizard behind the curtain” that made Yahoo the success that it is today..  …and he has a sense of humor.   ;-)  Jack

FROM CA GURU:  We love what you do for us as well Pastor Jack.  Thank you!===JACK:  I feel that, in a way, we are partners in what we do.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Sounds like something my parents said.  I got a new sewing machine yesterday.  What a difference it makes in my quilting.  I love to quilt, read, garden, scrapbook and I love this crazy sometimes painful life.  Thank you God.  And I do pick my nose!===JACK:  God will be happy to hear that...I think.===OJ:  It should be I do not pick my nose!!  😀😀===JACK:  I think that God will like that clarification.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Well, I know I'm a better person because of you......and am convinced the world is definitely a better place because of you.  Thanks for all you have done....and continue to do.  ===JACK:  That's a heavy burden to bear, especially as I sit here pondering what to write for upcoming Winning Words.  Thank goodness for Spiritual guidance!

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  How does one get committed in their faith? Actually, we got fairly specific instructions on that in the Bible. Many passages instruct the followers of Christ to share the Good News.  Some of the faithful take that commitment to the extreme, preaching from a soap box on a street corner; but, for most, there is another way to be committed.  Two verses from the Bible  that I particularly like are these -  “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  (Matthew 5:16)   "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect," (1 Peter 3:15)  It seems to me that these passages are saying that living one’s life in quiet confidence of salvation and doing what is right for others (good works) is a great way to let the light of Christ shine through you. Showing gentleness and respect while defending your faith is just being consistent with that confidence.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  You are fortunate to be able to do what you love, as I was, in teaching. For some it isn't really a choice they get to make, due to economic or other circumstances, but you can still make the best of it, and try to leave the world a better place! A Smiling Person is a beautiful person!! :-)===JACK:  There wasn't a bad day that I can remember.  Oh, some days were better than others, but such is life.

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