Friday, January 17, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 1/17/20
“Not the power to remember, but the very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.”  (Sholem Asch)  I’ve read that the avg computer has from 4 to 32 gigabytes of memory compared to the brain’s 1 million gbs.  Unbelievable! (but I read it on the internet).  In order to function in society we have forget certain things (words/actions) and move on.  Even the best of us, at times, can be the worst of us.  Did God say, “Forgive and forget?”  ;-)  Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It’s amazing how much we can forgive but forgetting is another thing.  I can forgive quite easily but I don’t forget.  I’ll have to work on that.  I forget somethings very easily.... where’s my glasses, what day is it etc.===JACK:  God is all-powerful, almighty, etc, but after He forgives, He forgets what it was that He least, I think that He does.

FROM JT IN SJ:  WoW  another great winning word. !!  Thank you===JACK:  I'll try to remember that, but will probably have forgotten it by tomorrow.

FROM WALMART REV:  ". . . to be remembered no more!" 0;-)===JACK:  Let us never forget God's love for us.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Again.....both/and===JACK:  Some concepts are beyond words...and I'm OK with that.

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  Very true pastor, I have forgiven you years ago but I will never forget you. LOL===JACK:  Many memories of RJP, some poignant, some funny, some inspiring...just like the events of life.

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