Monday, January 20, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 1/20/20
“The time is always right to do what is right.”  (MLK Jr)  The move to make MLK Jr’s birthday a Federal holiday began on the day after his assassination in 1968.  Finally, in 1983, Pres Ronald Reagan signed a bill making the 3rd Monday in January a Federal Holiday honoring Martin’s birthday.  It’s not easy to get your birthday declared as a national holiday.   Did you know that there was a dispute as to when to observe Jesus’s birthday?  Dec 25 was a compromise.  ;-)  Jack

FROM WALMART REV:  I remember there was some years ago now a Sunday on March 27 that was my birthday and Easter Sunday at the same time . . . The pastor mentioned the dilemma from the pulpit that Sunday of celebrating either my birthday or Resurrection Sunday, and the church had deferred to Easter, “but too, Happy Birthday Pastor Paul!” 0;-)===JACK:  Hallelujah, too!  I looked it up...My mother went into labor on Labor Day, and I was born the next day.  A daughter of ours was born on Mother's Day.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  RE: Jesus’ birthday I would propose it was what as opposed to exactly when. ===JACK:  At some"time" in history God determined that it would be good to show himself in the form of a human being, and so He did.  The exact time..year, day . hour, minute, second wasn't that important.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  I had belonged to the NAACP in the late 1949s in Davenport and went to many meetings in black churches and homes! When we moved to Tampa in 1963 I wanted to go to DC to hear his speech but was too busy with the children! I could not believe that the schools were still segregated here!===JACK:  In this morning's news..."black America" is looking for new leadership as the past ones are dying off.  "White supremacists" are coming back to life using gun control as their shoehorn.  Charter schools seem to be a way for new segregation.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Love that quote!  It is always right to do right!!===JACK:  Being right and doing right is not always easy...but it's right!

FROM ST PAUL IN MESA:  and i think AZ was the last state in the Union to honor MLK Day as a federal holiday. ===JACK:  ...and I don't think that they observe Daylight Saving Time, either.

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