Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 1/15/20
“You can’t regret making what you thought was the best decision at the time.”  (Carol Channing)  I’ve always liked Carol Channing.  She died a year ago on this date.  I read that she made 3000 Broadway appearances, missing only one show because of illness.  I like her words, too, about decision-making.  When a choice is before you, choose well…and don’t fuss around with, woulda, shoulda, coulda.  What’s done is done.  Move on to the next show!   ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  We call it second guessing and sometimes we do it to ourselves. You coulda (but, you didn’t). you  woulda (but, you didn’t), you shoulda (but, you didn’t). Spending time regretting things that are already over is a worse waste of time that spending time worrying about things that may happen in the future. One can rationalize time spent worrying about the future as being time spent in planning, and some of it may be just that. There is no way to rationalize the time that you spend in regret for decisions actions of the past. Spending some time to learn from a mistake or poor decision is alright, so long as you accept that it is over and there is no way to change whatever happened.  One side benefit that can come out of trying to learn from your mistakes is the opportunity to examine your decision making process. Are you basing your decisions on sound evidence and facts, or do you allow pre-conceived notions or prejudices to creep into the process? What are the beliefs that you base your decisions upon – what provides you with your moral compass?  Do you have the courage of your convictions; or, do you just find a way to go with the flow of the crowd, even if that direction is bad? ===JACK:  You gotta know when to fold 'em and when to hold 'em.

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  She was a wonderful woman. We met her about 15 years ago. Rob perform for her and she was very generous and gracious.===JACK:  Who wouldn't want an employee like that?  On second thought, maybe we are like "God's employees."

FROM TRIHARDER:  There's a saying for trial lawyers:  There are three arguments you make:
The one you make on the way to court, The one you make in court, and The one you make on your way home.===JACK:  Does that self-conversation differ as to whether or not the trial outcome was successful or not?===TH:  Often, yes. But sometimes you just want perfection.  I had a perfect argument in the Court of Appeals once. I even made an argument, in response to a question that I wasn't anticipating. I asked permission o answer with an anecdote. I had to tell it right without having rehearsed it. They had to get the punchline. I nailed it and they all laughed. People followed me out of the hearing room congratulating me, patting me on the back.  The ride home from Lansing was jubilant.  The better news is that the assistant attorney general on the other side of the case later became a supervising attorney in a division of the attorney general's office I was working for. My boss, in effect. We became very close. Still friends. ===JACK:  Great story...and to the point.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  When we’re young, choices are sometimes too quickly made without looking at the consequences.  As we age, choices are made a lot quicker because of maturity. ===JACK:  Not how fast...but how good.===JUDY:  That comes with age too.
FROM GOOD  DEBT JON:  Exactly you can't should have done something...===JACK:  I coulda, woulda, shoulda...I didn'ta, so let's move on to actually doing something worthwhile.

FROM DAIRYLAND DONNA:  Love this.===JACK:  In some ways you remind me of Carol.  Have you ever performed any of her songs?  BTW, don't BOO at any of the Packer misplays that might occur against San Fran...They're trying to do do the best that they can.===DD:  More a Barbara Streisand "girl." Did so admire Carol though. Wished I had seen her perform. We got to see Bette Midler in Hello Dolly in NYC a few years ago. Now there's another voice I admire. 
Outcome of Sunday's game depends on which Aaron Rogers shows up. Hard to comprehend the pressure on these single individuals in a team sport.  Go Pack Go! 😀👍 ===JACK:  One of the memorable moments…finding out that you were once a showgirl.  Do you have any videos, I mean…cinescopes?

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