Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 1/7/20
“Tip-toe if you must, but take the step.”  (Unknown)  Laurie sent this quote along with the advice…“Sometime the smallest step in the right direction turns out to be the biggest step of your life.”  Each day’s beginning calls for us to take a first step (small or giant) - but in what direction?  I know of some people who are seeking a new way of life.  It won’t be easy; habits are hard to break.  “One step, then another; the longest journey is over.”  Tip-toe if you must!  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  remember that singer whose big song was "Tip toe through the tulips"?  can't think of his name right now but his wife was Miss Vicky, i think===JACK:  His name was Tiny Tim; his real name was Herbert Khaury.  He sang in a falsetto voice and played a ukulele.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  We all have a life directions Life/GPS available to us, if we only know how to use it – it is called faith. If we call upon God to guide us through life we will never be lost and we will always get to the destination that he has in mind for us. We may not always understand the route that he is taking us on; however, if we trust in Him we will get to where we are supposed to be. The interesting thing is that we start out the journey with an unknown end- point, but we have faith that we will end up at the right place. If we really trust God we can then relax and enjoy the journey. ===JACK:  For me, Sunday church going double checks the Life/GPS.  

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Like it!!! Baby steps!===JACK:  Is Baby Steps part of the game, "Mother, May I?"

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