Thursday, January 09, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 1/9/20
“Love multiplies and adds as we divide it with others.”  (Arthur C. Nielsen –adapted)  A leader was trying to illustrate the truth of this quotation to a group of young people.  Each person was given an unlit candle.  The leader then lit a candle and passed the flame to a candle that was unlit and that one passed it to the next…and so on.  Then she commented: “Look at all of these candles…from a single flame which is not diminished.  “Love multiplies” as we share it!.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM TL IN MI:  Beautiful thought and image, Jack.   I hope you are off and well into this new year.  Your cookies are in a deep freeze, awaiting the day that we have our little coffee talk. ===JACK:  In "your business" you see how love multiplies among people who come together for a common reason.

FROM WALMART REV:  Every Christmas Eve for too many years to remember, we end our two services with this exercise of everyone given a candle when entering, the ushers walking to the front rows of the sanctuary at the end of the services and lighting the first person’s candle, asking him to light the one next to him. The second row the same, etc. It has become a tradition at the AG in Willmar, MN. 0;-)===JACK:  We used to do that at Holy Spirit, but now used candle-like flashlights.  It's not the same effect as live candles, but the Fire Marshal likes it better, because there's no danger of someone's clothing or hair catching on fire.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:   It seems to me that the two key words in your whole post are the words “love” and “share”. Jesus came to earth as God's way of expressing his love for his people and recast their perception of Him from a God to be feared into a God to be loved and embraced through His Son. Jesus preached a message of love for one another and in deed left that as his final commandment in John 13:34 - “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.”===JACK:  I like the Burt Bacharach song...What the world needs now is love, sweet love  It's the only thing that there's just too little of  What the world needs now is love, sweet love  No not just for some but for everyone

FROM CL:  Love this analogy Jack! Beautiful and so true!  I am enjoying winning words.===JACK:  Today's quote are the words that a "Winning Words reader" uses to explain to her children that nothing is lost by giving love to others.  I'm glad to hear that Winning Words works for you.

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