Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Winning Words 5/19/10
“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.” (Walt Disney) The road to success was not easy for Disney. There were many failures and setbacks in things he tried to do. But he kept at it. Eventually he hit on the idea of creating a cartoon character named, Mickey Mouse. Sometimes we get so caught up in “talking” that we never get around to “doing.” A good slogan is: “Walk the talk!” ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Sorry I didn't see this earlier, I was out doing...:) FROM JACK: Since yours is the first response, it must mean that others are still "doing." What? I don't know.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: There seems to be two things my talking is a preamble to my doing. Doing those things which I feel totally unqualified to do so I procrastinate and procrastinate and talk with close people until I get up the courage to try to do. And changing my mind about something--something there is a gut feeling that changing my mind will actually be the right thing to do and "talking and sharing it all out" helps the process get to doing. I'd like to create a Mickey Mouse to vicariously live out all my conundrums through but Walt Disney did it well enough to suit me, from childhood to adulthood. FROM JACK: That's a very thoughtful response. Did you know that Disney first called his cartoon character, Mortimer Mouse? It didn't work for Walt, but it did for Edgar Bergen.

FROM JD IN MICHIGAN: This is a common issue among engineers.....wrote up on dry erase board at Chrysler today.....good these! FROM JACK: Glad you could use it.

FROM LG IN MICHIGAN: Today's quote reminds me of the saying, "If nothing changes, nothing changes." We've gotta quit talkin' and start doin' for sure! I've really enjoyed the last few quotes, Jack! Been too busy to reply, but have added them to my ongoing "Pearls of Wisdom" journal...Here's one I saw today that caught my eye for those struggling to cope with family problems... Nobody's family can hang out the sign "Nothing the matter here." I don't know who wrote it, but it sure rings true! Have a great day! FROM JACK: You always seem to come up with some good and relevant responses.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Amen, brother. And what a fertile imagination Disney had! It takes me longer to "get in gear" now, but thankfully I can still "do" it. I am presenting my latest humorous program "1000 Sr moments" (Of which I remember just a few...) for our Senior Prime Rib dinner tomorrow night. I've already given it for women'[s club, but tweaked it for this, as it will be men and women., I sure miss my twin Jan. So much more fun and easier to share a program. But, as I say, I thought about and thought about doing this, and finally got it written up and ready to "do". FROM JACK: "Amen, brother!" sounds like some kind of Baptist. Did people call out like that during Bill's sermons. I was preaching in a church in Detroit once, and someone shouted out something that got me so frustered that I lost my place. I finally left my notes on the pulpit, walked to the center aisle and "just talked" to the people.

FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: I have been pondering why Christians aren't the best in their fields in the relationships, finance, etc.? I think it is because we focus too much on 'why' we need salvation (e.g. self awareness), rather than 'what' salvation is leading us toward. [Quit Talking & Start Doing]. I believe that the functional side of salvation literally means living a life of achievement beyond your circumstances like Jesus modeled. Inferring from your example of Walt Disney below; Walt could have judged himself unworthy
by all his failures but he was able to tap into something bigger than himself to press on. The last time I visited Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida I noticed a theme in the company's vision statement encouraging boldness combined with innovation. I propose that Walt Disney's greatest gift isn't the media or entertainment, but a confidence in one's vision to persevere. ***Today's winning word is very similar to the quote listed in my Franklin Planner for 5/19/10: "Success is to measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as much as by the obstacles which he has overcome" - Booker T. Washington FROM JACK: You raise some thought-provoking ideas. Thanks. I liked your comment about the Disney vision statement. Maybe we each should develop our own vision statement. I liked the BTW quote, too.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: What I Did today So Far..?
Washed floor in shower and bathroom, mde bed, did 3 loads laundry, vaccuumed entire lower floor, unloaded dishwasher, washed the windows, talked to two of my three sisters, made egg salad for two nieces, 2 grandsons, 1 daughter-in-law, 1 daughter, three granddogs, dusted the living room, read my devotion and Bible and was finished by 10:30. FROM JACK: Your knee must be feeling better. I'll bet you didn't kneel down on the floor.

FROM MOLINER CF: Some of the people talk all of the time and all of the people talk some of the time, but all of the people don't talk all of the time. (Abe Tillberg) FROM JACK: Some of the people do it etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There seems to be two things my talking is a preamble to my doing. Doing those things which I feel totally unqualified to do so I procrastinate and procrastinate and talk with close people until I get up the courage to try to do. And changing my mind about something--something there is a gut feeling that changing my mind will actually be the right thing to do and "talking and sharing it all out" helps the process get to doing. I'd like to create a Mickey Mouse to vicariously live out all my conundrums through but Walt Disney did it well enough to suit me, from childhood to adulthood.
S.H. in MI