Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 8/7/07
“Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”
(Malcolm X) Malcolm X was a controversial figure in his day. To me, he’s a good example of the quote. Pay attention to the words and not to the one who speaks them. Wrong is wrong! ;-) Jack

FROM J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Ethical Absolutism invades the realm of Jack Freed!!!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: Nice to see someone embrace an absolute.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Yes, he is definitely a good example of this quote. I had to read about him in college. And, Wrong is Wrong, no matter who says them! Good quote. I have always told my children, and now my grandsons, if you do wrong or say wrong, confess. The punishment is a lot worse if you lie about wrong! Blessings on this wonderfully rainy day! Thank God for raindrops!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: And so is "right" by the same token.

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: Interesting quote to read on the morning after I saw Michael Moore's latest movie.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: how can anyone disagree with malcolm on this topic? i learned many life lessons by reading "malcolm x" as a teenager. he truely learned though his mistakes.

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