Wednesday, May 04, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  5/4/22 

“Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.  Leave the rest to God.”  (Advice from the Old Hillbilly)  I suppose the word, hillbilly, is not politically correct these days, but Dolly Parton says that she’s proud to be a Hillbilly.  I grew up listening to and enjoying Hillbilly Music.  I’d sit by the radio and sing with Roy Acuff about “The Great Speckled Bird.”  Hillbilly advice is common sense advice that was learned and practiced in simpler times…God, family and honesty.  As you look at today’s quote, what does it bring to mind?  A song?  A person?  A way of life?  ;-)  Jack

FROM THE SCIENTIST: I like it.====JACK:  People from Tennessee are called Hillbillys, are they? ===S:  Possibly? Not something I tend to ask at the family reunion 😂

FROM WILLMAR REV:  With ‘tongue in cheek’ I have occasionally referred myself as a ‘Hillwilliam.’ Over the years I have enjoyed four-part harmony Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, Country Western, Ozark Mountain music,  and the like. 0;-)===JACK:  I think that you'd fit in well as Parson Paul among the hillbillies.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  To the extent and times I am not being a hypocrite,  I think being kind is one of most useful virtues in the list. Loving and caring is not always evident in its initial application.===JACK:  Sometimes I arrive at the realization that I can't solve all of the problems.  It's comforting to know that I can "leave the rest to God. 

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  I do believe I grew up by these statements and did not come from a Hillbilly family, but good old Scandinavian standards.  Grew thoughts to live by no matter who you are.  Hope life is treating you well and you are starting to see some warmer temps in your part of the country too.  It was 28 when I got up at 5:30 this morning and going up near 60.  I won’t complain as the sun is shining again this morning!  It does help with one’s perspective of the day.===JACK:  The point of today's WWs is that 'the hillbillies who are usually looked down upon are some pretty wise people.....Weather comment:  The coldest we had in Minnesota last winter was 40 below.  It was cozy inside by the fireplace.  Here in Michigan we noticed today that the leaves are ready to break out on the tree limbs, and the grass is bright green.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB:  Well said!    Now, I need to practice it. ===JACK:  You're in the right place at the right time.  Sometimes, all we can do is leave the rest up to God.  It has worked well, so far.

FROM CPA MD:    I spent seven years in Corbin KY. part time. Just down the road from Renfro Valley. Had 600 employees who gave a good days work for a good days pay. Would apologize for having to file a medical claim or taking a sick day. Their lives were centered on school and church. Lived very modestly but much better than alot of folk in nearby Appalachia. Union Boys came in got 12 yes votes.    Some sayings that I remember:    "He needs to leave the window open and let reality creep in"      "My dog bit him. Best dog I ever had".  Simple life, wonderful people. May be hillbillies but who's to say if they might be better off than most.===JACK:  I'm partial to hillbillies, their sayings, their music...but their lifestyle is not one I want to copy...except for  those who give "an honest day's work for an honest day's pay.  Thee'd be no need for unions if all workers would give that honest day's work and all employers gave an honest day's pay.  But, since that's utopia....

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Perhaps if we take the advice from the Old Hillbilly and invert the order things will look and be a lot different for you. If you stop trying to control everything (an impossible task anyway), and leave it to God, you will be free to do the rest of those things that the Old Hillbilly advised.  A quick and easy way to do that is to start each day with the little prayer that I like to use – “Not my will but thy will be done.” Then you can go on to say, “Bring it on God. I’m ready to Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.”  Realize the obvious.===JACK:  I always like the way you enhance my thoughts.  Your words cause me to think..again.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  My West Virginian parents!  They might have added, "Pray often"===JACK:  I didn't know that you were a Hillbilly.  So much good came from the hills, along with the good.  


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