Friday, May 27, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words  (5/27/22)
 “I feel the need - the need for speed.”  (Tom Cruise:- Movie Top Gun)  Some people drive the speed limit…and some people feel the need to exceed the limits.  Tom Cruise, as “Maverick” in Top Gun, was one of those who felt the need for speed.  Scott Dixon is the fastest qualifier for Sunday’s Indy 500 at over 234 mph.   That’s goin’ fast…compared to when the first speeding ticket was issued for going 8 mph in a 2 mph zone.  I remember hitch-hiking once and getting a ride from a driver who went over 100 mph.  I felt the need for less speed.  We all have our needs…more important than going fast.  What is it that drives you?...that brings out the “Maverick” in you?  ;-)  Jack

FROM PITT PAUL:  ...thanks for the "speed" message! I'm headed to Indianapolis as I do each year to quench my "need for speed" at the 500. Always a great spectacle! Hope you are doing well!!===JACK:  I will the singing of Jim Nabors, but the Indy 500 goes on.  Be sure to say HI to my son David and his wife when you meet them in the crowd.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  That must have been a hair-raising hitch-hiking ride—I can’t imagine the terror of being in that complete stranger’s car but God had better plans for you than being in a car accident that day.  What drives me is seeing animosities between folks, and also divided in myself, and needs for reconciliation.  But God is in charge of bringing about reconciliations and so He slows me down and counsels patience and also gives me a better frame of mind while I’m waiting for change to take place—still doing my little hopefully constructive actions and praying and to not be an obstacle to His Work.  That’s enough Maverick for me, Pastor Freed, I’m actually not a thrill seeker, like Tom Cruise.  Enjoyed ruminating on this quote from him though, another interesting WW topic.  You find them everywhere and from everyone, seems like.===JACK:  I can't imagine seeing you in a race car.  The place for you is in a garden where things move at a slower pace.  (you feel the need, the need for SEED!)  How is your garden growing this year?  What things do you plant, and who is that gets the harvest?  

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Trying to find a gas station’s restroom when my water pills have kicked in and I’m in dire need to relieve myself?!?! 0;-)) ===JACK:  The need for speed....INDEED!  

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Wow, Indy already. We are rebuilding a home in Etna, OH time is moving so quickly it's hard to believe Summer will be gone soon.   I suppose, "I feel the need for speed!" Is better suited to bravado than my theme of,  "I feel the need for effectiveness and sustainability over the decades." ===JACK:  I feel the need for LESS speed.  Last night I re-watched the movie, Field of Dreams.  I remember playing catch with my father in our backyard alley...I remember playing catch with my son on the actual Field of Dreams.  Those experiences happened ONLY ye4sterday.  Now, I have more yesterdays that I have tomorrows..  I suppose it's that way with you, too!

FROM PASTY PAT:  Being told I shouldn’t travel somewhere alone?! 😊 ===JACK:  The hidden message....AT YOUR AGE, you shouldn't  travel somewhere alone.  The maverick rears its head!===PP:  : LOL --- that’s it exactly!  The time has just flown by and tomorrow I return to Jerusalem for 2 days, and then home again. Apparently I’m getting to J just in time for “A Day of Rage” scheduled for Sunday. The march will go right through my neighborhood in the Old City, which makes me think it’s a good day to spend washing the desert out of my hair and possibly even trimming my toenails. 😊 My room is in a Catholic convent and I’m sure the sisters will have it all under control.  This has again been a unique experience and I suspect that when I awake in my own bed next week it will all seem like a dream.  ===JACK:  Sooner than later, your yesterdays (and their experiences) will compose a list a whole lot longer that your tomorrows (and their plans).  Such is life.  

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  hitchhiking? what a wildman.===JACK:  You should have seen me in the "younger" days.  I don't suppose that you ever hitchhiked, except in a group.  In the past, it was the WILD WEST.   Today, it's the WILD WORLD.===LIZ:  i'd never hitchhike. i am a girl, in the first place... and wary of dangers.===JACK:  Male or female...dangers are always lurking.  "Better safe than sorry" is good advice for all of us at any time.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:   i was once picked up while hitch hiking and the guy drove like an idiot.   in a Corvette Stingray.    he said if the cops followed him, he would "race them to Chicago"  (from Detroit). i could not wait to get out of that car!! ===JACK:  I can't remember the last time I saw a hitch-hiker.


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