Thursday, February 10, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words 2/10/22
“The Homer Simpson family prays before each meal.” (Mark Pinsky – The Gospel According to the Simpsons)  I wonder if you are in the custom of praying at mealtime?  We often use, “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest…”  There is no specific Bible commandment to pray before meals.  It’s simply a polite way to say thank you.  At some-time in my past I was taught that it is nice to be nice.  My very FIRST Winning Words quote: “Virtue is learned at mother’s knee.  Vice is learned at other joints.”  What “niceness” did you learn at mother’s knee?  ;-)   Jack    

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  I just followed her example!===JACK:  ...and what a great example.  I am pleased to have met her.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

FROM DR J IN FL:  My mom taught me the “niceness” that all mother’s around their world love their children equally… meaning… don’t discriminate… we’re all equal in a mother’s eyes (and God’s)===JACK:  Your mom taught you "lots" of things; and so did your dad.  ...and you have made the best of that education..

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Enjoyed reading the WW this morning.  We always just pray, Lord, thank You for the food we are about to eat.  Amen.  What did all of us kids in our family learn at Mom’s —Dad’s knees too—to try to be helpful, being sort of economically insecure and with 7 kids, we all learned to be helpful and also try to be honest.  And to go to church.  That’s what sustained the family.  I always enjoyed watching the Simpsons, kind of a quirky family but seemed to be well-meaning too.===JACK:  I like that word, quirky.  The Simpsons aren't the only "quirkies."  I have some of that in my DNA, and maybe you do, too.

FROM JOE AN:  Mom and Dad always told us,” Fair is where a pig gets a blue ribbon.”===JACK:  Even the Bible has situations when people could exclaim: "No fair!"  I never could understand how my father could eat pickled pig's feet and enjoy the experience.  He also enjoyed eating Limburger Cheese.  The rest of us in the family couldn't even stand the smell, let alome enjoy the taste.===JA:  I have never heard of pickled pig’s feet but my Dad would eat fried cow tongue. He told me a real German loves it. When in Germany I never saw it on a menu and when I would ask they would laugh.===JACK:  A fancy restaurant in Michigan has a "special pre-dinner appetizer...bone marrow on a cracker.  I haven't tried it.



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