Monday, March 01, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 3/1/21

“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”  (Old weather adage)   The lion and lamb  are simply a rhyme and no weather predictor says The Old Farmer’s Almanac, and who’s to disagree with an old farmer?  March is named after the Roman god, Mars.  The month is also known for its many special days…like, today, St David’s Day, and St Patrick’s Day and St Joseph’s Day…and  Corndog Day, Be Nasty Day, Quilting Day…and, finally, World Day of Prayer.  What do you like about March?  ;-)  Jack:  March 6 is also...NATIONAL EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION DAY – NATIONAL DRESS IN BLUE DAY – NATIONAL OREO COOKIE DAY – NATIONAL DENTIST'S DAY – NATIONAL FROZEN FOOD DAY – NATIONAL DRESS DAY – NATIONAL DAY OF UNPLUGGING – NATIONAL SPEECH AND DEBATE EDUCATION DAY – NATIONAL WHITE CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE DAY....HOWIE, YOUR BIRTHDAY IS REALLY AN IMPORTANT DAY!!!!

FROM JU IN NC:  March, for me has many memories and feelings.  But the one thing that will always stand out, is that it is the month of my oldest brothers birthday.  I am so grateful for his life.  He is one of the most giving people I ever met.  Not only on material generosity,but time and labor as well.  One thing that stands out for me happened within my sophomore year of high school.  I was going through my yearly ritual of sufferering much pain battleling mathematics .Jack, after working the farm all day, would sit down with me after supper and patiently spend 4_5 hours ensuring my passing grade.  He did this for an entire year.  I can only imagine the stories my other siblings and neighbors could share.  I myself do not have the space here to tell of any more.  But be assured I could. 

===JACK:  There's a book titled, Angel Unaware.  I t sounds as though it might have been written about your brother.  I have a sister like that.

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  This March there is so much to look forward to.  Schools and colleges  will open March 8th and hopefully  care homes.  Mothering  Sunday is March 14th half  way through Lent. Palm Sunday is the 28th and we will return to worship in our churches. Oh! and I  almost forgot  retail shops and stores open on the 17th.  Wow!===JACK:  I'd almost forgotten that the virus is in the UK, too.  Have you bee3n vaccinated?  I'm to receive my 2nd shot this Friday.  We, too, are looking forward to more openings. ===B:   Yes! I  have had the first jab.   We are much more restricted  than you are in the US.===JACK:  We just had lunch at a restaurant...masks, social distancing and they took name and phone number in case tracing was necessary.

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  March is my birthday month.  March 6   it is my personal tradition to declare winter over on my birthday.===JACK:   

FROM MV AT ML:  I like that it brings the hope and promise of Spring, more sun and warmer weather. ===JACK:  I've always thought of Groundhog Day as the start of Spring, but Phil usually fools me.===MV:  I like Groundhog Day. The movie is such a classic as well. My Mom was born February 2nd.====JACK: We watched the Bill Murray movie on Groundhog Day...Joan for the 1st time, me for the umpteenth time.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  After one celebrates Corndog Day and Be Nasty Day, that person had better really look forward to World Day of Prayer!===JACK:  Maybe Nasty Day should be Pasty Day.  I love both corndogs and pastys.  At of WB World Day of Prayer we've had both a Missouri Synod pastor and a Muslim imam as  leaders.  I felt comfortable with that, because, after all, it is a Day of "World" Prayer.

FROM LBP:  Grandma said that phrase but allowed it to go either way. So if it comes in like a lamb it will go out like a lion. That would suggest that the calm weather this week may mean storms for Easter. The rhyme mast carry no weight but it was a fun way to think that March was going to be blustery. Speaking of Grandma, you forgot St Urho’s day on March 16. :)===JACK:  I know of a church in our area that used to celebrate St. Urhu's Day in a BIG way, honoring St. Urhu eho saved the Finnish grape crops in Northern Minnesota from a plague of frogs and grasshoppers.  There's a statue of him in Menahga, MN. ===LBP:  Ha! Of course it’s a total fiction holiday set up to parallel St Patrick’s day. Too funny! ===JACK:  Isn't it the same with St. Patrick's Day?  Did he really drive out the snakes from Ireland?  In the Minnesota place where I live (part time) there's a place nearby where a chapel is built in thankfulness for ending a 2-year plague of grasshoppers which devastated the farmers' crops.  It's called, The Grasshopper Chapel.  I think that they even have weddings there.===LBP:  Frankly I’ve not investigated the backstory of saint Patrick. Seems a bit lies piper-esque. But who am I to say ===JACK:  ==Speaking of names like Patrick and Urhu, what is the background of Poisson and Bugg?===LBP:  As I understand, Poisson, meaning fish in French, might have been given to a fisherman or someone of similar trade. It’s similar to the English “Fisher.” Now for the Bugg surname, years ago I came across a book of English surnames at the university library. Assuming mine would not be in it, I looked to prove the point. Much to my surprise it was there. Unfortunately, the surname is said to mean “oaf” so it was not a find to boast about. Per a Marie a Claire fluff article about the 7 types of English surnames, thous would have fallen into the “characteristics” type. So at some point I had a great grandfather nicknamed, let’s say, as “James the Bugg/oaf” so as to distinguish him from the other James in town. Yay... Of course that was ages ago. 

FROM PROUD MARY:  I like the crocuses. They remind me of my Mama. She loved them. ===JACK:   Not that you necessarily care to know, but in Classical mythology .Crocus (GreekΚρόκος) was a mortal youth who, because he was unhappy with his love affair with the nymph Smilax, was turned by the gods into a plant bearing his name, the crocus (saffron). Smilax is believed to have been given a similar fate and transformed into bindweed.  ===PM:  I love mythology and am thankful for you reminding me of the story. You have an amazing mind.===JACK:  ....a God-given mind.  I like to know my customers.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  Selfishly, “My Birthday!” - March 27, 1947-2021 (74) 0;-)===JACK:  I'm surprised that you weren't named, Patrick.  Maybe that was "too" Catholic at that time.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Actually named after my grandfather and dad, Harry Paul McCullough III ... My dad was disappointed I did not name our son, the IV; however, I never liked the name, Harry ... Our son’s name, Joseph Paul McCullough. 0;-)===JACK:  Harry's not such a bad name...Harry James, Prince Harry, Harry Truman and Harry Houdini.===REV:  Understandable when older, but out on the playground, “Hairy! Hairy!” too, always Paul until the first day of class when the teacher would take a roll call- “Hairy McCullough?” The kids would ask, “Hairy?!” At least that was what I was thinking?!! 0;-)===JACK:  Those playground kids should see you now...right in style with the younger group.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  It  is certainly "like a Lamb" in IL, for March 1st! A high of 60 forecast, tho the wind is still chilly!  March 6th was  Bill's bday, (94 this yr.)and March 9th  was Jan's husband Hal's, March 31st was son Mark's  and the 17th my BFF Donna's 92nd! Great G.son Sage was  born March 7th (7 yrs. so this will be his Golden!) My dear Twin Jan died March 9th, 2010. So March has lots f memories, Some so happy, and some sad ones! I guess that is Life, isn't it ?  I'm hoping March will go out like it came in, like a Lamb!! Here's to Spring!! ===JACK:  WOW...What memories, but the bad is mixed with the good, and it seems as though the good far outweighs the bad....AND what a day for a walk!  Spring is here (at least for today).

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Spring is coming.===JACK:  I didn't know that you had seasons in California.  Do you miss the seasonal changes you had in Northcentral Wisconsin?===ME:  We do have seasons but they are much more subtle.  I miss much about Wisconsin but not the winters.  Other than drought and resultant fires, Weather here is best I have found anywhere.===JACK:  I can do without drought and fires.  I can also do without slush and rain turning to ice.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  I love that March is a time when we are "marching toward Spring"!  Early signs, such as pussywillows, have always given me joy.===JACK:  Pussy Willows....I love them, too.  God must have been in a fun mood when He made them.

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