Wednesday, March 03, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 3/3/21

 “I can explain it to you, but I can’t comprehend it for you.”  (Edward Koch)  I wonder if this quote is from Ed Koch, former mayor of NYC?  No matter.  I see it as words that might appeal to a teacher (kindergarten through grad school).  Philosophy was my college major, fortunately, I had a professor who helped comprehend the complicated writings of great thinkers…and how to pronounce Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, for example.  Did you have a good explainer in your life?  ;-) Jack

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i did not know your major was Philosophy.  that explains a lot:):):)    all good too (I Think)===JACK:  Yes, I felt that I could understand religion better through the lens of philosophers' thinking.===SP:  very true.  but i was careful not to quote too many philosophers in sermons.   it could be a real turn off for some folks unless the quote was timely and really fit the context of the sermon.===JACK:  If I used a quote, I would put it into "modern" language, as has been done with new translations of the Bible.  

FROM LBP:  That’s the trick isn’t it? What good is “explaining” if the goal isn’t understanding?  Got any tricks for gaging comprehension in your conversation partner or congregants?===JACK:  In my sermons I always tried to connect the scripture up with things going on in the real world.  I tried not to use complicated theology.  I also tried not to put down other religions.  There's a saying, "To have a friend, be a friend."  I tried to be a friend to my congregation, but not showing favoritism.  It's a hard line to walk, but I tried.

FROM JSMS IN SJ:  Jack—now that I know I hit the right buttons I can assure you will be hearing from me quite often. I get up at five o’clock also. As a kindergarten teacher I devoted Ground’s Hog day to the whole six week concept. At the end of day when I asked what would happen if a groundhog saw his shadow? A little boy shouted out—-six more weeks til Easter! Oh well. Happy Wednesday===JACK:  It's been a month and a day since GH Day and Spring is least for today.  That "beast" was wrong when he predicted 6 more weeks of winter.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Does "SERI" count!? 0;-) ===JACK:  Does "recalculating" count as counting? 

FROM JU IN NC:  I do have a good explainer.  He is my instructor from the "school of hard knocks'===JACK:  You learn pretty fast when you pee on an el;ectric fence, or did you have any electric fences when you were growing up on the ranch?. ==JU:   Here are a couple of new words straight out of Jerry's Jargons.kneedlessly ( no longer requiring your knees to bend over to touch your toes because you can't do it anyway).  Pondemic (pondering so much you affect everyone around you).  Enjoy your day.  By the way Quilting lessons from Joan, what a privilege.  She made me a quilt covered with farm scenes, large enough to cover a large king size bed.  It is so beautiful that I plan to live until 200 when the value will be in the billions.  P.S.  I still would not sell it.===JACK:  Here are a couple of new words straight out of Jerry's Jargons. Kneedlessly ( no longer requiring your knees to bend over to touch your toes because you can't do it anyway).  Pondemic (pondering so much you affect everyone around you).  Enjoy your day.  By the way Quilting lessons from Joan, what a privilege.  She made me a quilt covered with farm scenes, large enough to cover a large king size bed.  It is so beautiful that I plan to live until 200 when the value will be in the billions.  P.S.  I still would not sell it.

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  Extra GREAT quote.===JACK:  Aren't words fun?  I smiled when I first read this combination...

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Just love this quote.  It could be any mayor, politician or other.  Thanks for the big smile.===JACK:  We've got to tell "Mitch" that we need more smiles from him.

FROM OPTIMISTIC LOU:  Yes, Jack, this quote is from THE ED KOCH, former NYC mayor!  (Among other accomplishments.)===JACK:  Yes, Mayor Koch, had a sense of humor.  After all, he was (is) Jewish.





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