Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 7/28/20
“The goal is to die with memories, not dreams.”  (Tiny Buddha)  TinyBuddha is Lori Deschene who explores “simple wisdom for life’s hard questions.”  Her blog is sort of like Winning Words, except that it has 200,000 followers.  I agree with Lori that there are amazing possibilities in this life that we are living.  I recall having life-dreams when I was a youngster.  Now, I’ve lived enough years so that I have a mind full of life-memories.  Do you have dreams that have turned into memories?  ;-)  Jack  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:    I had opportunities to travel the world, which I hadn't even dared to dream of doing as a young girl and woman! But my dream of becoming a teacher eventually came
true, and many wishes in our ministry were realized!  I count my blessings!!! ===JACK:  The song, "Young at Heart" seems to apply to you...."Fairy tales can come true." 

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  I’d go even further and state: “Life is only memories in the end.” It is only our memories we take to the grave and other’s memories of us (our character) that survives once we assume room temperature. Choose kindness.===JACK:  If only there were some way to store (and retrieve) all the information that is in the brain of those who die....  NAH!  It would be an invasion of the privay of thye dead.  But, it's worth thinking about. 

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